nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
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ThemeStyles and Attributes props does not working on new versions #298

Open tenlisboa opened 5 years ago

tenlisboa commented 5 years ago

From now on I apologize for this can be something trivial, and I appreciate the time of who was willing to respond.

When I define the props theme-styles they have no alteration in the component, when I inspect the component through VueDevTools the prop is passed correctly.

My component remains normal with no changes: image

My code:

    @input="$emit('input', $event)"

export default {
    props: {
        value: { default: null },
        columns: { default: 1 },
        mode: { default: "range" }
        // color: { default: "orange" }

    data() {
        return {
            themeStyles: {
                dayCell: {
                    fontSize: "3rem"
                dayContent: {
                    backgroundColor: "#E8513E",
                    color: "#E8513E",
                    borderRadius: "3px"

                dayPopoverContent: {
                    fontSize: "3rem"

<style lang="scss">
.vc-popover-content-wrapper {
    left: -1.5% !important;
    .vc-popover-content {
        border-radius: 0;
        margin-top: 1.4rem !important;

    .vc-popover-caret {
        display: none !important;

The version is: 1.0.0-beta.6

nikwins commented 5 years ago

As the changlog says, the use of theme-styles was removed.

boycce commented 5 years ago

Hey @nikwins, what do we use instead, thanks.

nikwins commented 4 years ago

@Boycce Here you go.

KeironLowe commented 4 years ago

@nikwins where do we use that file?

nikwins commented 4 years ago


Like so:


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            theme: {                
                    title: {
                        light: "vc-text-lg text-style--dark hover:vc-opacity-75",
                    arrows: {
                        light: "text-style--dark hover:vc-opacity-50",
                    weekdays: {
                        light: "vc-text-sm vc-font-bold text-style--gray",
                    navPopoverContainer: {
                        light: "vc-rounded vc-text-sm text-style--dark vc-bg-white vc-shadow",