nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
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v-date-picker nested in label - year/month picker closes immediately #969

Open arknu opened 3 years ago

arknu commented 3 years ago

If I have a v-date-picker nested in a label, the navigation popup you get by clicking the month name in the calendar popup will close immediately after opening it. If I move the v-date-picker out of the label tag, it works properly. It seems that being nested in a label will somehow cause focusing issues when opening the main popup.

innovaweb-dev commented 2 years ago

Try this or show us your code ?

     <div class="input-group mb-3">
                  <label for="date" class="input-group-text">Label</label>
                    :popover="{ visibility: 'click' }"
                    <template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents }">
arknu commented 2 years ago

@rifton007 Yes, I have of course moved it outside the label tag and wrapped the whole thing in a reusable component, which will generate a unique ID to associate the label tag with the input. So it works fine, even if it is slightly more inconvenient. My point is, <v-date-picker> should work even if nested in a label tag, as every normal input tag can support this.

kgilden commented 2 years ago

Here's a video demonstrating how the year/month picker gets closed immediately.

Here's a video demonstrating how the datepicker itself is not closed when a date is chosen. On top of it is a datepicker which is not wrapped inside <label /> and you can see it working fine.

saint-james-fr commented 6 months ago

Hey there, same issue here, I must add this is also when using template #default={inputValue, inputEvents}, any news on this?