nathanreyes / v-calendar

An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
MIT License
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`inputValue` not initialized when not in min/max range #972

Open ThomasPoncet opened 3 years ago

ThomasPoncet commented 3 years ago

When the value provided to a date picker is not contained in the min/max dates range, this value is not used to initialize inputValue (slot property).

Here is a demo:

It prevents us displaying the value (formatted by the date picker) when not in the min/max range. Can you confirm that this is a bug?

If it's confirmed that this is a bug, I'd be happy to help to fix it if needed. (In this case, it would be helpful to have share short documentation on how to set up a local dev environment for this project: I maybe missed it.)

ThomasPoncet commented 3 years ago

A workaround can be not to use inputValue and format the value yourself. But the picker is still in a strange state in this case, and there is still a bug: when removing the value in the input, the component doesn't update the date to null.

(I've made a demo here, using intermediary input component