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Gem not on rubygems #1

Open ericboehs opened 12 years ago

ericboehs commented 12 years ago

Hey I noticed this gem wasn't on rubygems. I built it and released it on ruby gems. I'll add you as an owner when you sign up (it appears your don't have a ruby gems account with the email in the gemspec).

nathanscott commented 12 years ago

ericboehs commented 12 years ago

Yup that's the one. What's your ruby gems email; I'll add you?

richo commented 12 years ago

(Note: This is on HN as well now too)

Personally I'd consider this pretty poor form. I haven't read the license to work out if it's permitted, but given that rubygems supports the syntax

gem :git => ""

To pull in this gem without needing to distribute it via any means other than expressly chosen by the author, I don't see the reason for doing this. Just my 2c.

databyte commented 12 years ago

Versioning! It's much easier to use '~> 1.1' than gem git: "", ref: "a1b2c". You could use tag: v1.1 but that's assuming the authoring is tagging.

And who the fuck cares if it's on HN.

Update: neat project, no changes in 5 months, why do we need a gem for something that doesn't change much?

Update 2: This is the only issue, no pull requests and a total of 6 commits made 5 months ago... I think someone's protesting too much on HN.

nyarly commented 12 years ago

And as a warning: if you don't want someone to hijack your gem, deploy a dummy gemfile when you decide what to call it.