nathansearles / slidesjs

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Slider works great until the theme is switched to RTL mode #472

Open crondeau opened 11 years ago

crondeau commented 11 years ago

Working on a WordPress theme right now and the slider is great, until I test it for RTL set up ( when I switch to arabic, hebrew, farsi, etc.. )

When in this mode, the images no longer show. I think it's because the positioning is in the JQuery. Not sure how to go about fixing this or if there's indeed a fix. As anyone played managed to get this to work with RTL?

lucianoratamero commented 11 years ago

wordpress sometimes is a bother, because you never have total control about what's going on, and it all depends on the plugins you're using. a plugin can, for example, override the 'position' of the slides along with whatever it is doing, breaking the slider. but I'll test it later using RTL, just to see what's going on in a sanitized environment. =)

crondeau commented 11 years ago

HI Luciano, I have a test site running here - the only plugin installed is the RTL tester

I think that when the site is viewed for RTL, the positioning in the JQuery is the one that's causing the images to no longer appear in the right spot.

koolshams commented 11 years ago

Any updates on this, If i give style direction:ltr to wrapper element it works fine except in IE 7