nathansearles / slidesjs

SlidesJS is obsolete and no longer maintained.
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how to fix autosize (Screen size) of the slide #504

Open sarkerazad opened 11 years ago

sarkerazad commented 11 years ago

Hi there, It is great to find your jQuery slide which is very awesome and working excellent. Now i want to integrate your slide (Slide show plugin) into Mobile apps ( Android,ioS and Windows phone) under Phonegap plugin. I am seeking your help to make coding to be screen size (to be sizing ) slides whatever phone size of screen, the slides will be take on screen size.

What is the coding for that? please let me know. I will be grateful to you. Regard Azad

nathansearles commented 11 years ago

For this check out the SlidesJS beta ( which will be production ready very soon.