nathansmith / formalize

Teach your forms some manners!
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Add version info to .css files. #68

Open thinsoldier opened 11 years ago

thinsoldier commented 11 years ago

I had 2 sites using formalize but realised recently that a.button only worked on one of them. The javascript was minified and didn't have any version information. The css was not minified, but also did not have any version information, so I could not tell which project had the most recent version of formalize. In the github repository there aren't any tagged release numbers either.

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

I apologize for not replying to this sooner.

I thought I had, but Gmail had just pushed it out of my inbox, due to pagination.

Your suggestion a good idea, and something I should've done.

I'm actually thinking about doing an update to Formalize, to allow for a custom arrow drop-down in all browsers (not just Chrome/Safari, but Firefox and IE as well).

At that point, I will make sure to add a version # to the CSS file(s).