nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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Real Word Examples of Unsemantic Usage #18

Closed mlammert closed 11 years ago

mlammert commented 11 years ago

I stumbled upon this the other day and am greatly intrigued with this framework.

I am currently playing around with the demo and mocking up a couple examples of my own just to see how everything works.

Question: Does anybody know of some live web sites that are using Unsemantic? I would like to see what others are doing with it and how others are using it to implement responsive design?

NOTE: Sorry if I have placed this in the wrong area. I am fairly new to GitHub. My apologies if I did this wrong.

nathansmith commented 11 years ago

A site I did for my sister's wedding was actually what later became the approach for Unsemantic.

So, though the class names differ (and this uses JS instead of media queries), you can get a feel for what's possible here…

As for others using Unsemantic, I guess you'd just have to ask around. I'm purposefully not putting a "gallery" on the Unsemantic site (as I did with because it's not something I have the time to curate/maintain.

Also, having that on the 960 site caused "drama," because not everyone who wanted to be featured could be.

That's something I wanted to avoid with Unsemantic.


mlammert commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I totally understand. Just wish there was a way to see more examples of what people are doing with it.

Thanks for the great framework!