nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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mobile-push / mobile-pull & desktop-push/pull #23

Closed ethanpil closed 11 years ago

ethanpil commented 11 years ago

First of all, kudos on unsemantic. I don't use anything else now. In my humble opinion, this is simultaneously the simplest, most flexible and best thought out grid system.

I have run into an issue on several projects however. In some cases when I need to push/pull a grid cell, I don't want to do it when on mobile. For example, I might use something like

<div class="grid-75 push-25 mobile-grid-100">...</div>

The problem here is that the mobile layout gets funky as the push-25 and mobile-grid-100 conflict.

Perhaps we can add a couple of classes like mobile-clear-push and mobile-clear-pull, or some other mechanism to manage this scenario a bit better?

What do you think?

ethanpil commented 11 years ago

Well golly, I just reread the documentation page and found reference to this:


Well well, looks like you are way ahead of me. Next time I will RTFM!

nathansmith commented 11 years ago

No worries.

I had this tab open, to look at later, but I was thinking to myself: "Hmm, I think I addressed that."

But, I couldn't actually remember.

Glad to know past-me saved present-me some work!
