nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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It's mobile-* and tablet-* classes #36

Closed dlaxar closed 10 years ago

dlaxar commented 10 years ago


It only mentions mobile-* classes but not that those classes are also available for tablet-* which is quite irritating.

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

What's most irritating, the existence of tablet-* classes?

Or, the lack of exhaustive documentation?

I'm happy to add a note about tablet-* support, but I felt like the documentation would've been needlessly heavy, if every example included it. Not to mention, that it would only be applicable if using a "tablet" flavor of the CSS.

Do you think it would be sufficient to have a general blurb?

I'm thinking something to the effect of:

"Note: Everywhere that a mobile-* class is mentioned, there is also a corresponding tablet-* class, if using a CSS file that has tablet in its name."

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

Alrighty, I added some text explaining that tablet classes exist…

dlaxar commented 10 years ago

The "general blurb" is what I meant. Thanks :)

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

Welcome! :)