nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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One Row Fixed Width, other Row regular dynamic #47

Closed Pixelizer closed 10 years ago

Pixelizer commented 10 years ago

Hi Guy, is it possible that i can set a fixed with for one col, and let the other col regular with %. I test it and set for the Nav Row a fixed Width, Floating, Padding, and let the Contentside regular with %... Works well but at the point with resizing..... The Content slips down under the Nav :-/

I want a layout like this...

Header Nav Px | Content % Footer

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

The way Unsemantic works, what you're describing isn't possible. Everything is fluid.

However, it's easy enough to do writing your own CSS. Here's an article explaining how…

Pixelizer commented 10 years ago

Hi Nathan, thanx for your feedback. I will try around this ;-)