nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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Invalid CSS property declaration #58

Closed supermensa closed 10 years ago

supermensa commented 10 years ago

Safari (7.0.3) lists the '.clear' class as an invalid CSS property declaration?

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

Hmm, that's odd. Perhaps it's because <div class="clear"></div> takes up no space?

Safari might be getting confused and be wondering what its purpose is.

It exists only to clear floats.

But, the CSS itself is fine. There's not anything illegal going on here.


nathansmith commented 10 years ago

Or, did you mean .clearfix?

If so, that has {*zoom:1} to make IE7 behave…

Yes, it's technically invalid CSS, but has no detrimental effect on the rendering of a page.

supermensa commented 10 years ago

OK, thanks. I'll have to ignore the strict warnings from Safari. Closing.