nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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Issue with tablet and hide-on-desktop #61

Closed brunocramos closed 8 years ago

brunocramos commented 10 years ago

I'm using the following files, in this order: unsemantic-grid-responsive-no-ie7.css unsemantic-grid-responsive-tablet-no-ie7.css

If I use "hide-on-desktop", it also hides on tablet. To fix this I commented the hide-on-desktop lines on the first file, but that's just my case. Another option would be to add a media query to the tablet css to say hide-on-desktop class between 768px and 1023px must not hide. (Just a few suggestions).

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

Those two files are mutually exclusive.

You should only be using…


Just delete the other one.

brunocramos commented 10 years ago

Oh, sorry about that and thanks! I would suggest making it more explicit on your page, I really couldn't find anything regarding its use.

nathansmith commented 10 years ago

It's covered on this page…

But yeah, I should make it more obvious that one is "Mobile and Desktop" and the other is "Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop."