nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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IE Hacks aren't working #7

Closed bmounteer closed 11 years ago

bmounteer commented 11 years ago

FIrst of all, this is a great solution to responsive development. I used it on a site found here and was very impressed with its ease of use and flexibility.

On this site, in any IE version less than 9 it is breaking horribly. I used this style sheet from your site Which I thought had the IE hacks built in. Do you have an tips on how to make it work?

bmounteer commented 11 years ago

Nevermind. I fixed it using a javscript hack that comes with the html5 responsive boilerplate

nathansmith commented 11 years ago

Yeah, IE8 and lower requires a shim for HTML5 tags, like <header>, <footer>, etc.

The files in the Unsemantic download actually include "html5.js" which should address this issue, if you include it, like so…


Oops, just saw your follow-up comment. Yeah, that's the shim you need for older IE.