nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
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Add $container-gutter var #70

Closed jkuss closed 9 years ago

jkuss commented 9 years ago

I recently came across an issue where I needed a different gutter for the grid-container. To fix this I added with the rest of the few vars: $container-gutter: $gutter-half !default;

and line 180

// Set if gutter is non-zero.
    @if $container-gutter != 0 {
      padding-left: $container-gutter;
      padding-right: $container-gutter;
nathansmith commented 9 years ago

Good idea. I will add this in soon. (Sorry for the delayed reply.)

nathansmith commented 9 years ago

This has been added. Sorry it took so long. :(