nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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Sass Deprecation Warnig: a non-string value, to unquote() will be an error in future versions of Sass. #79

Closed luanmuniz closed 9 years ago

luanmuniz commented 9 years ago

Im receiving this message:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 0.66667, a non-string value, to unquote() will be an error in future versions of Sass.
        on line 64 of .../grid/unsemantic-vars.scss, in `ie7-pull'
        from line 314 of .../grid/unsemantic-vars.scss, in `unsemantic-grid-placeholders'

Any ideas? I tried to update my sass but i still have this message. Compass v1.0.3 Sass v3.4.13

nathansmith commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delayed reply.

This should be fixed now, as of this commit…

nathansmith commented 9 years ago

Basically, I was calling unquote in case someone had passed a value as a string…

// Would convert "10" into 10.
$foo: unquote($foo);

But, it wasn't really necessary, as I wasn't passing strings around anyway.


It used to be a "best practice" to call unquote on incoming variables, but I guess now it's not.