nathansmith / unsemantic

Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
MIT License
1.38k stars 161 forks source link

PSD template #8

Closed Pushplaybang closed 11 years ago

Pushplaybang commented 11 years ago

Hi Nathan

Whipped up a quick PSD template for unsemantic for myself today (at 1200 wide), would you like to include it for others to use ? I'l be doing a mobile one shortly as well, but let me know, thought others fans of unsemantic may get some use out of it.

Pushplaybang commented 11 years ago

?? yes no maybe ? not really ? awkward.

nathansmith commented 11 years ago

Sorry, wasn't ignoring it. I've been on vacation this past week.

Pushplaybang commented 11 years ago

lols - no stress, just hated that this was listed under "issues" :)