nathansttt / hog2

Pathfinding and search testbed/visualization suite. Current code is in PDB-refactor branch.
MIT License
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Invalid Characters in file names in build/XCode for Windows #57

Closed lior8 closed 1 year ago

lior8 commented 1 year ago

Greetings, Some of the file names in buid/XCode contain asterisks in their names, making them invalid paths in Windows and create problems when cloning and working with the repo. An example for such file is:*%20-%20IBEX%20copy-Info.plist I am not sure how to address this and thus opened an issue instead of a pull request containing an appropriate fix. Kind regards, Lior.

lior8 commented 1 year ago

I compiled a list of files I found: ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Graph) copy3-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Map) copy2-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/hog2 mac native demos.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/nathanst.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/IDA.xcscheme ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/hog2 mac native demos.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/nathanst.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/A (Map).xcscheme ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/hog2 mac native demos.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/nathanst.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/A (Graph).xcscheme ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Graph) copy-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/IDA copy2-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Graph) copy2-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Map) copy-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/IDA copy-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 mac native demos/A (Map) copy3-Info.plist ./build/XCode/hog2 iPad/hog2 iPad.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/IDA - IBEX.xcscheme ./build/XCode/hog2 iPad/IDA* - IBEX copy-Info.plist

lior8 commented 1 year ago

Issue is not yet fixed. PR #59 was rejected due to inconsistency with some internal files. I'll try looking into git-hooks which will check it before committing so the issue won't reoccur.

nathansttt commented 1 year ago

Resolved by latest commit.