Open wildone opened 4 years ago
Can you post an example of your code to show what isn't working? I've been using this for a year and it works great with Vuex!
Can you post an example of your code to show what isn't working? I've been using this for a year and it works great with Vuex!
Store/vuex can not find mutation in sub module ,do you have good solution? thank you very much!
Here's a sample from some code I'm using, it was mostly taken straight from the README doc:
import Vue from 'vue';
import router from '@/routes';
import mutationTypes from '@/store/mutation-types';
const state = {
isConnected: false,
isOpen: false,
message: '',
reconnectError: false,
const getters = {
isConnected: state => {
return state.isConnected;
const actions = {};
const mutations = {
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_ONOPEN](state, event) {
Vue.$, event);
state.isConnected = true;
state.isOpen = true;
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_ONCLOSE](state, event) {
Vue.$, event);
if (router.currentRoute.path !== '/offline') {
state.isConnected = false;
state.isOpen = false;
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_ONERROR](state, event) {
if (state.isOpen) {
// Only display error if the error wasn't from socket close
Vue.$log.error(state, event);
if (router.currentRoute.path !== '/offline') {
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_ONMESSAGE](state, message) {
Vue.$log.debug(state, message);
state.message = message;
// mutations for reconnect methods
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_RECONNECT](state, count) {
Vue.$, count);
// mutations for reconnect methods
[mutationTypes.websocket.SOCKET_RECONNECT_ERROR](state, count) {
Vue.$log.error(state, count);
export default {
// Can't use namespace until Issue is fixed:
// namespaced: true,
modules: {
// Add any modules (if using modules for your Store)
I have tried using this with Vuex and it does not work :(