nathanvdh / homeassistant-airtouch2

Custom component integration for Polyaire Airtouch 2
MIT License
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Zones Support #1

Closed domalab closed 1 year ago

domalab commented 1 year ago

I came across your integration and it's working great so far.

Will zones be added at some point to control individual rooms?

Thanks for your hard work to create this integration.

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

Yes I plan to. I don't have the time at the moment and I'm currently tossing up whether to refactor what I've done to coroutines/await syntax or continue how it is with threads and start on zones.

TETZUO commented 1 year ago

Zones would be great. You saved me spending around 1k for an AirTouch 4 and now the AirTouch 5 is about to be released.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

I currently operate the zones through Assistant Relay, from HA, though Google Assistant to the unit. Its a work around until Nathan has time for zones

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

@gogreenpower @TETZUO @ruaandeysel can you guys test out 0.4.beta1? I just added group/zone control. Seems to work fine for me except you can't currently adjust the %open while the zone is turned off. I think i should be able to fix that though. I'm going away for the weekend tomorrow so wanted to quickly get this done because it was so close.

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

image They are fan entities, you can add them all into a single card, you need to click on them to show the %open slider.

TETZUO commented 1 year ago

@gogreenpower @TETZUO @ruaandeysel can you guys test out 0.4.beta1? I just added group/zone control. Seems to work fine for me except you can't currently adjust the %open while the zone is turned off. I think i should be able to fix that though. I'm going away for the weekend tomorrow so wanted to quickly get this done because it was so close.

@nathanvdh i have tested this and it works exactly as you describe.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Looks like I'm the bad luck. I've made a screen recording, it'll be easier than me trying to explain it.

Basically toggling in HA toggles two zones in HA but one in the app

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Also the fan speed percentages are playing up. HA to the Airtouch unit update sometimes, but the unit to HA don't seem to be updating only on start up

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

Looks like I'm the bad luck. I've made a screen recording, it'll be easier than me trying to explain it.

Basically toggling in HA toggles two zones in HA but one in the app


Yeah the issue is you have 2 zones/dampers in your first group. I guess I'll have to be a bit more clever with that.

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

@gogreenpower would you be able to send me PCAP dumps of you playing around with your zones? Be sure to include on/off + up/down of the first zone and at least 1 other zone. That would help a lot, thanks.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago!AhF9jRtLVrOpiKd10ykZ0fmneUWoUw

OneDrive link to PCAP.

IIRC sequence was: Zone 1 on/off, 100% to 0 and back to 100. Zone 2 on/off, Z3 on/off, Z4 on/off, Z5 on/off, Z6 on/off. Then increased the percentage by 10% from zone 2 - 6 and then decreased by 10% 6 - 2

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

I think the commands I'm sending are ok, but I'm reading the response data wrong. The zone info in the message is for each zone/damper, not group. I can see when you adjust the first group's percentage there's 2 zones in the response that get set to the same zone percentage. I'm reading this data as if its groups, not zones. Should be able to fix it pretty easily tomorrow.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Yes the first group has 3 outlets and 2 dampeners. The rest should just be singles

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

@gogreenpower Just pushed an update, see how it goes.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago!AhF9jRtLVrOpiKd6_twboHIuKJL3nQ


nathanvdh commented 1 year ago!AhF9jRtLVrOpiKd6_twboHIuKJL3nQ


Off by one haha. Gimme a minute

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago!AhF9jRtLVrOpiKd6_twboHIuKJL3nQ


Try the new one. It was just a missed find and replace / typo...doh!

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Perfect, each group toggles the corresponding entity, both ways, and the % adjustments are all correct as long as the zone is on before adjusting in HA.

Outstanding work

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

Yes I had a look into it, commanding the zone % while it is off causes strange behavior. I realised you can't even do that with the app or the touchpad so I don't think it's possible.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Not that it's a problem but on my system, if the zones are off and I increase the % it turns them on at 10%.

If I decrease to 0% it turns the zone off.

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

Not that it's a problem but on my system, if the zones are off and I increase the % it turns them on at 10%.

If I decrease to 0% it turns the zone off.

Yeah same here. Just pushed another update. What I've done now is - if you use the slider and set it 0, it's equivalent to turning off the zone. You can see if you set the slider to zero, and then use the switch to turn the group back on - it should return to to the previous % value. If you drag the slider to a value when the zone is turned off, it will first get turned on and then the % value adjusted to what you specified. Lmk if it works. Then I'll do a few tidy-ups (I'll at least remove 'Group' from the name of the entity) and push a stable release.

gogreenpower commented 1 year ago

Yes that works perfectly. updates near instantly

nathanvdh commented 1 year ago

Okay I've pushed a stable 0.4 with zone support. I'm using this custom entity to make sliders show on the card so it's a bit more intuitive to use.