nathom / streamrip

A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud, and Deezer
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.67k stars 238 forks source link

Bug: Deezer, Unable to stream x #159

Closed whiterock closed 2 years ago

whiterock commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior Cannot download any song from Deezer. For example when I try the example from the help pages, Fleetwood Mac, it errors with

Unable to stream Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster). Message: 

Command used:

rip url -vvv 

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

streamrip Configuration File (find using rip config -o):

# Folder where tracks are downloaded to
folder = "/Users/whiterock/StreamripDownloads"
# Put Qobuz albums in a 'Qobuz' folder, Tidal albums in 'Tidal' etc.
source_subdirectories = false

# Download (and convert) tracks all at once, instead of sequentially. 
# If you are converting the tracks, or have fast internet, this will 
# substantially improve processing speed.
enabled = true
# The maximum number of tracks to download at once
# If you have very fast internet, you will benefit from a higher value,
# A value that is too high for your bandwidth may cause slowdowns
max_connections = 3

# 1: 320kbps MP3, 2: 16/44.1, 3: 24/<=96, 4: 24/>=96
quality = 3
# This will download booklet pdfs that are included with some albums
download_booklets = true

email = ""
# This is an md5 hash of the plaintext password
password = ""
# Do not change
app_id = ""
# Do not change
secrets = []

# 0: 256kbps AAC, 1: 320kbps AAC, 2: 16/44.1 "HiFi" FLAC, 3: 24/44.1 "MQA" FLAC
quality = 3
# This will download videos included in Video Albums.
download_videos = true

# Do not change any of the fields below
user_id = ""
country_code = ""
access_token = ""
refresh_token = ""
# Tokens last 1 week after refresh. This is the Unix timestamp of the expiration
# time. If you haven't used streamrip in more than a week, you may have to log
# in again using `rip config --tidal`
token_expiry = ""

# 0, 1, or 2
# This only applies to paid Deezer subscriptions. Those using deezloader
# are automatically limited to quality = 1
quality = 2
# An authentication cookie that allows streamrip to use your Deezer account
# See
# for instructions on how to find this
arl = "466<redacted for this bug report>40d"
# This allows for free 320kbps MP3 downloads from Deezer
# If an arl is provided, deezloader is never used
use_deezloader = true
# This warns you when the paid deezer account is not logged in and rip falls
# back to deezloader, which is unreliable
deezloader_warnings = true

# Only 0 is available for now
quality = 0

# Only 0 is available for now
quality = 0
# Download the video along with the audio
download_videos = false
# The path to download the videos to
video_downloads_folder = ""

# This stores a list of item IDs so that repeats are not downloaded.

enabled = true
path = "/Users/whiterock/Library/Application Support/streamrip/downloads.db"

# If a download fails, the item ID is stored here. Then, `rip repair` can be
# called to retry the downloads

enabled = true
path = "/Users/whiterock/Library/Application Support/streamrip/failed_downloads.db"

# Convert tracks to a codec after downloading them.

enabled = false
codec = "ALAC"
# In Hz. Tracks are downsampled if their sampling rate is greater than this. 
# Value of 48000 is recommended to maximize quality and minimize space
sampling_rate = 48000
# Only 16 and 24 are available. It is only applied when the bit depth is higher
# than this value.
bit_depth = 24

# Filter a Qobuz artist's discography. Set to 'true' to turn on a filter.

# Remove Collectors Editions, live recordings, etc.
extras = false
# Picks the highest quality out of albums with identical titles.
repeats = false
# Remove EPs and Singles
non_albums = false
# Remove albums whose artist is not the one requested
features = false
# Skip non studio albums
non_studio_albums = false
# Only download remastered albums
non_remaster = false

# Write the image to the audio file
embed = true
# The size of the artwork to embed. Options: thumbnail, small, large, original.
# "original" images can be up to 30MB, and may fail embedding. 
# Using "large" is recommended.
size = "large"
# Both of these options limit the size of the embedded artwork. If their values
# are larger than the actual dimensions of the image, they will be ignored.
max_width = 999999
max_height = 999999
# Save the cover image at the highest quality as a seperate jpg file
keep_hires_cover = true

# Sets the value of the 'ALBUM' field in the metadata to the playlist's name. 
# This is useful if your music library software organizes tracks based on album name.
set_playlist_to_album = true
# Replaces the original track's tracknumber with it's position in the playlist
new_playlist_tracknumbers = true

# Changes the folder and file names generated by streamrip.

# Create folders for single tracks within the downloads directory using the folder_format
# template
add_singles_to_folder = false
# Available keys: "albumartist", "title", "year", "bit_depth", "sampling_rate",
# "container", and "albumcomposer"
folder_format = "{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]"
# Available keys: "tracknumber", "artist", "albumartist", "composer", "title",
# and "albumcomposer"
track_format = "{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}"

# playlists are downloaded by searching for the titles of the tracks

# The source on which to search for the tracks.
source = "qobuz"
# If no results were found with the primary source, the item is searched for 
# on this one.
fallback_source = "deezer"

# Options: "dainty" or "plain"
progress_bar = "dainty"

# Metadata to identify this config file. Do not change.
version = "1.3"

Debug data

DEBUG:streamrip:Config loaded
DEBUG:streamrip:Parsed urls: [('deezer', 'track', '63480987')]
DEBUG:streamrip:Searching for {'id': '63480987'} in database
DEBUG:streamrip:Executing SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM downloads WHERE id=?)
DEBUG:streamrip:{'id': '63480987'}
DEBUG:streamrip:{'downloads': {'folder': '/Users/whiterock/StreamripDownloads', 'source_subdirectories': False, 'concurrency': {'enabled': True, 'max_connections': 3}}, 'qobuz': {'quality': 3, 'download_booklets': True, 'email': '', 'password': '', 'app_id': '', 'secrets': []}, 'tidal': {'quality': 3, 'download_videos': True, 'user_id': '', 'country_code': '', 'access_token': '', 'refresh_token': '', 'token_expiry': ''}, 'deezer': {'quality': 2, 'arl': '466<redacted for this bug report>40d', 'use_deezloader': True, 'deezloader_warnings': True}, 'soundcloud': {'quality': 0}, 'youtube': {'quality': 0, 'download_videos': False, 'video_downloads_folder': ''}, 'database': {'downloads': {'enabled': True, 'path': '/Users/whiterock/Library/Application Support/streamrip/downloads.db'}, 'failed_downloads': {'enabled': True, 'path': '/Users/whiterock/Library/Application Support/streamrip/failed_downloads.db'}}, 'conversion': {'enabled': False, 'codec': 'ALAC', 'sampling_rate': 48000, 'bit_depth': 24}, 'filters': {'extras': False, 'repeats': False, 'non_albums': False, 'features': False, 'non_studio_albums': False, 'non_remaster': False}, 'artwork': {'embed': True, 'size': 'large', 'max_width': 999999, 'max_height': 999999, 'keep_hires_cover': True}, 'metadata': {'set_playlist_to_album': True, 'new_playlist_tracknumbers': True}, 'filepaths': {'add_singles_to_folder': False, 'folder_format': '{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]', 'track_format': '{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}'}, 'lastfm': {'source': 'qobuz', 'fallback_source': 'deezer'}, 'theme': {'progress_bar': 'dainty'}, 'misc': {'version': '1.3'}}
DEBUG:streamrip:Arguments from config: {'parent_folder': '/Users/whiterock/StreamripDownloads', 'folder_format': '{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]', 'track_format': '{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}', 'embed_cover': True, 'embed_cover_size': 'large', 'keep_hires_cover': True, 'set_playlist_to_album': True, 'stay_temp': False, 'conversion': {'enabled': False, 'codec': 'ALAC', 'sampling_rate': 48000, 'bit_depth': 24}, 'concurrent_downloads': True, 'max_connections': 3, 'new_tracknumbers': True, 'download_videos': True, 'download_booklets': True, 'download_youtube_videos': False, 'youtube_video_downloads_folder': '', 'add_singles_to_folder': False, 'max_artwork_width': 999999, 'max_artwork_height': 999999}
DEBUG:streamrip:Loading metadata
DEBUG:streamrip:{'id': 63480987, 'readable': True, 'title': 'Dreams (2004 Remaster)', 'title_short': 'Dreams', 'title_version': '(2004 Remaster)', 'isrc': 'USWB10400046', 'link': '', 'share': '', 'duration': 257, 'track_position': 2, 'disk_number': 1, 'rank': 886967, 'release_date': '1977-02-04', 'explicit_lyrics': False, 'explicit_content_lyrics': 6, 'explicit_content_cover': 0, 'preview': '', 'bpm': 120.2, 'gain': -12.7, 'available_countries': ['AE', 'AG', 'AI', 'AL', 'AM', 'AO', 'AR', 'AT', 'AU', 'AZ', 'BA', 'BB', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BJ', 'BN', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BR', 'BV', 'BW', 'BY', 'CA', 'CD', 'CF', 'CG', 'CH', 'CI', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CR', 'CV', 'CW', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DJ', 'DK', 'DM', 'DZ', 'EC', 'EE', 'EG', 'EH', 'ER', 'ES', 'ET', 'FI', 'FJ', 'FK', 'FM', 'FR', 'GA', 'GB', 'GD', 'GE', 'GH', 'GM', 'GN', 'GQ', 'GR', 'GS', 'GT', 'GW', 'HK', 'HN', 'HR', 'HU', 'ID', 'IE', 'IL', 'IN', 'IO', 'IQ', 'IS', 'IT', 'JM', 'JO', 'JP', 'KE', 'KG', 'KH', 'KM', 'KN', 'KR', 'KW', 'KY', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LB', 'LC', 'LK', 'LR', 'LS', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'LY', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'MG', 'MK', 'ML', 'MM', 'MN', 'MR', 'MS', 'MT', 'MU', 'MW', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'NA', 'NE', 'NG', 'NI', 'NL', 'NO', 'NP', 'NZ', 'OM', 'PA', 'PE', 'PG', 'PH', 'PK', 'PL', 'PN', 'PS', 'PT', 'PY', 'QA', 'RO', 'RS', 'RU', 'RW', 'SA', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SG', 'SI', 'SJ', 'SK', 'SL', 'SN', 'SO', 'SS', 'ST', 'SV', 'SX', 'SZ', 'TC', 'TD', 'TG', 'TH', 'TJ', 'TL', 'TM', 'TN', 'TR', 'TW', 'TZ', 'UA', 'UG', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VC', 'VE', 'VG', 'VN', 'YE', 'ZA', 'ZM', 'ZW'], 'contributors': [{'id': 169, 'name': 'Fleetwood Mac', 'link': '', 'share': '', 'picture': '', 'picture_small': '', 'picture_medium': '', 'picture_big': '', 'picture_xl': '', 'radio': True, 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'artist', 'role': 'Main'}], 'md5_image': '9732751ce91d786dcf30069853697078', 'artist': {'id': 169, 'name': 'Fleetwood Mac', 'link': '', 'share': '', 'picture': '', 'picture_small': '', 'picture_medium': '', 'picture_big': '', 'picture_xl': '', 'radio': True, 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'artist'}, 'album': {'id': 6237061, 'title': 'Rumours', 'link': '', 'cover': '', 'cover_small': '', 'cover_medium': '', 'cover_big': '', 'cover_xl': '', 'md5_image': '9732751ce91d786dcf30069853697078', 'release_date': '1977-02-04', 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'album'}, 'type': 'track'}
Downloading Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster)

DEBUG:streamrip:Track meta formatter {'tracknumber': 2, 'artist': 'Fleetwood Mac', 'albumartist': None, 'composer': None, 'title': 'Dreams (2004 Remaster)', 'albumcomposer': None}
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatter keys: ['tracknumber', 'artist', 'title']
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatted path: /Users/whiterock/StreamripDownloads/02. Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster).flac
DEBUG:streamrip:Downloading cover from
Cover |██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 20.7MB/s 
DEBUG:streamrip:Track info: {'ALB_ID': '6237061', 'ALB_PICTURE': '9732751ce91d786dcf30069853697078', 'ALB_TITLE': 'Rumours', 'ARTISTS': [{'ART_ID': '169', 'ROLE_ID': '0', 'ARTISTS_SONGS_ORDER': '0', 'ART_NAME': 'Fleetwood Mac', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'ART_PICTURE': 'ef23278cf3a67a3ca8404ddaa38699d4', 'RANK': '804341', 'LOCALES': {'lang_ja-hrkt': {'name': 'フリートウッドマック'}, 'lang_ja-jpan': {'name': 'フリートウッド・マック'}, 'lang_zh-hant': {'name': '佛利伍麥克合唱團'}, 'lang_ar': {'name': 'فليتوود ماك'}}, '__TYPE__': 'artist'}], 'ART_ID': '169', 'ART_NAME': 'Fleetwood Mac', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'DIGITAL_RELEASE_DATE': '1977-02-04', 'DISK_NUMBER': '1', 'DURATION': '257', 'EXPLICIT_LYRICS': '0', 'EXPLICIT_TRACK_CONTENT': {'EXPLICIT_LYRICS_STATUS': 6, 'EXPLICIT_COVER_STATUS': 0}, 'GENRE_ID': '7', 'HIERARCHICAL_TITLE': '', 'ISRC': 'USWB10400046', 'LYRICS_ID': 32805872, 'PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE': '1977-02-04', 'PROVIDER_ID': '3', 'RANK': '886967', 'SMARTRADIO': 0, 'SNG_CONTRIBUTORS': {'main_artist': ['Fleetwood Mac'], 'assistantengineer': ['Chris Morris'], 'reissueproducer': ['Christine McVie', 'David McLees', 'Gary Peterson', 'John McVie', 'Lindsey Buckingham', 'Mick Fleetwood', 'Stevie Nicks'], 'masteringengineer': ['Ken Perry'], 'author': ['Stevie Nicks']}, 'SNG_ID': '63480987', 'SNG_TITLE': 'Dreams', 'STATUS': 1, 'TRACK_NUMBER': '2', 'USER_ID': 0, 'VERSION': '(2004 Remaster)', 'MD5_ORIGIN': '01f7dd78b24f8163491f1037d94f89ba', 'FILESIZE_AAC_64': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_64': '2062836', 'FILESIZE_MP3_128': '4125674', 'FILESIZE_MP3_256': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_320': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA1': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA2': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA3': '0', 'FILESIZE_FLAC': '0', 'FILESIZE': '4125674', 'GAIN': '-12.7', 'MEDIA_VERSION': '6', 'TRACK_TOKEN': 'AAAAAWEeKq9hH0PvvDrWsiz21mBouZd8FV1KUH2mh5ra9zbsSagvysHmlSY1ksHa27i9jS72Bxyh2_H3rHq-8_rHrYptPFdKOI-7XAR4JOAsOX9cNCMQ-FBMfsdnI3uYi1rdzM7iv4v5gDdUvquIzVs', 'TRACK_TOKEN_EXPIRE': 1629438959, 'MEDIA': [{'TYPE': 'preview', 'HREF': ''}], 'RIGHTS': {'STREAM_ADS_AVAILABLE': True, 'STREAM_ADS': '2000-01-01', 'STREAM_SUB_AVAILABLE': True, 'STREAM_SUB': '2000-01-01'}, '__TYPE__': 'song'}
Unable to stream Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster). Message: 
DEBUG:streamrip:Executing INSERT INTO failed_downloads (source, media_type, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
DEBUG:streamrip:Items to add: ('deezer', 'track', '63480987')
DEBUG:streamrip:UNIQUE constraint failed:


nathom commented 3 years ago

One of the links on the help page broke. Try another deezer link.

whiterock commented 3 years ago

the following two don't work either:

they produce the same error. can you provide me with a link that is supposed to work? :)

nathom commented 3 years ago works for me. It seems like it's the track links that are causing the issue. I'll investigate.

nathom commented 3 years ago

It seems to be a geolocation issue, where some links are valid for some regions. is the correct US link for Kekana - Wes, which I found by right clicking, and copying the track link here. That one is properly downloading for me. The links that look like should work regardless of region.

whiterock commented 3 years ago

Ah hmm strange, I live in Austria, Europe, but copy pasting links still gives me /us/ links on the deezer website. Maybe it really is something to do with my location.

This doesn't work either for me :( It must be some weird bug to do with something local or my network provider I guess. Very strange.

In the meanwhile I found another tool that does work on my macbook out of the box. It's this here:

Maybe you can see what they do differently - but I am satisfied now with this other tool, however I suspect there might be people that face the same issue as me but don't report and abandon, so it might be worth it investigating for them? That's for you to decide!

Thanks so much for the quick responses!

nathom commented 3 years ago

I'll take a look at that repo and see what they're doing. Thanks for the info.

imTHAI commented 3 years ago


Same here. rip search --source deezer "elmer food beat" It gives me a list of albums. But I whatever album I chose, it can download the 2 cover art, but no song.

Downloading 30 cm (Album)

Downloading cover art (large)
Cover |████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 1.16MB/s
Cover |█████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 508kB/s

Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Le plastique c'est fantastique. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Caroline. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - L'infirmière. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Couroucoucou roploplo. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La complainte du laboureur. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Daniela. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Linda. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - A l'intérieur. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Toi mon frère, toi mon ami. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La caissière de chez Leclerc. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Brigitte. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Est ce que tu la sens ?. Message:
Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La grosse Jocelyne. Message:
Julian-Ramirez commented 3 years ago

@imTHAI I get an identical error with the command you posted. I currently cannot download any tracks. I have also tried to download several of my own Deezer playlists to no avail.

command rip search --source deezer "elmer food beat"


` {'thumbnail': '', 'small': '', 'large': None, 'original': ''}

Downloading 30 cm (Album)

Downloading cover art (large) Cover |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 31.0MB/s Cover |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 1.65MB/s

Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Le plastique c'est fantastique. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Caroline. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - L'infirmière. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Couroucoucou roploplo. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La complainte du laboureur. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Daniela. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Linda. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - A l'intérieur. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Toi mon frère, toi mon ami. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La caissière de chez Leclerc. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Brigitte. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - Est ce que tu la sens ?. Message: Unable to stream Elmer Food Beat - La grosse Jocelyne. Message: ` My Config file

` [downloads] Folder where tracks are downloaded to folder = "/home/julian/StreamripDownloads" Put Qobuz albums in a 'Qobuz' folder, Tidal albums in 'Tidal' etc. source_subdirectories = false

[downloads.concurrency] Download (and convert) tracks all at once, instead of sequentially. If you are converting the tracks, or have fast internet, this will substantially improve processing speed. enabled = true The maximum number of tracks to download at once If you have very fast internet, you will benefit from a higher value, A value that is too high for your bandwidth may cause slowdowns max_connections = 3

[qobuz] 1: 320kbps MP3, 2: 16/44.1, 3: 24/<=96, 4: 24/>=96 quality = 3 This will download booklet pdfs that are included with some albums download_booklets = true

email = "" This is an md5 hash of the plaintext password password = "" Do not change app_id = "" Do not change secrets = []

[tidal] 0: 256kbps AAC, 1: 320kbps AAC, 2: 16/44.1 "HiFi" FLAC, 3: 24/44.1 "MQA" FLAC quality = 3 This will download videos included in Video Albums. download_videos = true

Do not change any of the fields below user_id = "" country_code = "" access_token = "" refresh_token = "" Tokens last 1 week after refresh. This is the Unix timestamp of the expiration time. If you haven't used streamrip in more than a week, you may have to log in again using rip config --tidal token_expiry = ""


0, 1, or 2

This only applies to paid Deezer subscriptions. Those using deezloader are automatically limited to quality = 1 quality = 2 An authentication cookie that allows streamrip to use your Deezer account See for instructions on how to find this arl = "I have an Arl linked Just don't want to post it to github" This allows for free 320kbps MP3 downloads from Deezer If an arl is provided, deezloader is never used use_deezloader = true This warns you when the paid deezer account is not logged in and rip falls back to deezloader, which is unreliable deezloader_warnings = true

[soundcloud] Only 0 is available for now quality = 0 This changes periodically, so it needs to be updated client_id = "" app_version = ""

[youtube] Only 0 is available for now quality = 0 Download the video along with the audio download_videos = false The path to download the videos to video_downloads_folder = ""

This stores a list of item IDs so that repeats are not downloaded.

[database.downloads] enabled = true path = "/home/julian/.config/streamrip/downloads.db"

If a download fails, the item ID is stored here. Then, rip repair can be called to retry the downloads

[database.failed_downloads] enabled = true path = "/home/julian/.config/streamrip/failed_downloads.db"

Convert tracks to a codec after downloading them.

[conversion] enabled = false FLAC, ALAC, OPUS, MP3, VORBIS, or AAC codec = "ALAC" In Hz. Tracks are downsampled if their sampling rate is greater than this. Value of 48000 is recommended to maximize quality and minimize space sampling_rate = 48000 Only 16 and 24 are available. It is only applied when the bit depth is higher than this value. bit_depth = 24

Filter a Qobuz artist's discography. Set to 'true' to turn on a filter.

[filters] Remove Collectors Editions, live recordings, etc. extras = false Picks the highest quality out of albums with identical titles. repeats = false Remove EPs and Singles non_albums = false Remove albums whose artist is not the one requested features = false Skip non studio albums non_studio_albums = false Only download remastered albums non_remaster = false

[artwork] Write the image to the audio file embed = true The size of the artwork to embed. Options: thumbnail, small, large, original. "original" images can be up to 30MB, and may fail embedding. Using "large" is recommended. size = "large" Both of these options limit the size of the embedded artwork. If their values are larger than the actual dimensions of the image, they will be ignored. If either value is -1, the image is left untouched. max_width = -1 max_height = -1 Save the cover image at the highest quality as a seperate jpg file keep_hires_cover = true

[metadata] Sets the value of the 'ALBUM' field in the metadata to the playlist's name. This is useful if your music library software organizes tracks based on album name. set_playlist_to_album = true Replaces the original track's tracknumber with it's position in the playlist new_playlist_tracknumbers = true The following metadata tags won't be applied See for more info exclude = []

Changes the folder and file names generated by streamrip.

[filepaths] Create folders for single tracks within the downloads directory using the folder_format template add_singles_to_folder = false Available keys: "albumartist", "title", "year", "bit_depth", "sampling_rate", "container", and "albumcomposer" folder_format = "{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]" Available keys: "tracknumber", "artist", "albumartist", "composer", "title", "id", and "albumcomposer" track_format = "{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}" Only allow printable ASCII characters in filenames. restrict_characters = false playlists are downloaded by searching for the titles of the tracks

[lastfm] The source on which to search for the tracks. source = "qobuz" If no results were found with the primary source, the item is searched for on this one. fallback_source = "deezer"

[theme] Options: "dainty" or "plain" progress_bar = "dainty"

[misc] Metadata to identify this config file. Do not change. version = "1.6" `

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.