nathom / streamrip

A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud, and Deezer
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.71k stars 246 forks source link

[BUG] TUI ~ Wording unclear when downloading from Deezer #432

Open wally-crunk opened 1 year ago

wally-crunk commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Wording unclear downloading from Deezer without paid subscription.

  1. Error message

    "The requested quality is not available with your subscription. Deezer HiFi is required for quality 2. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 1."

The message should say "The requested quality [X] requires a subscription. Deezer HiFi is required for quality 2. Deezer Premium is required for quality 1. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 0."

  1. config.toml message
    # 0, 1, or 2
    # This only applies to paid Deezer subscriptions. Those using deezloader
    # are automatically limited to quality = 1

This should say "Unpaid accounts are limited to quality = 0. Those using..."

Command Used

rip url

Debug Traceback

xx@xx ~ % rip url -vvv
DEBUG:streamrip:Config loaded
DEBUG:streamrip:Parsed urls: [('deezer', 'album', '123123')]
DEBUG:streamrip:Searching for {'id': '123123'} in database
DEBUG:streamrip:Executing SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM downloads WHERE id=?)
DEBUG:streamrip:{'downloads': {'folder': '', 'source_subdirectories': False, 'concurrency': {'enabled': True, 'max_connections': 3}}, 'qobuz': {'quality': 1, 'download_booklets': True, 'email': '', 'password': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'app_id': '', 'secrets': []}, 'tidal': {'quality': 1, 'download_videos': True, 'user_id': '', 'country_code': '', 'access_token': '', 'refresh_token': '', 'token_expiry': ''}, 'deezer': {'quality': 1, 'arl': 'SNIP', 'use_deezloader': True, 'deezloader_warnings': True}, 'soundcloud': {'quality': 0, 'client_id': '', 'app_version': ''}, 'youtube': {'quality': 0, 'download_videos': False, 'video_downloads_folder': ''}, 'database': {'downloads': {'enabled': True, 'path': '/Users/jj/Library/Application Support/streamrip/downloads.db'}, 'failed_downloads': {'enabled': True, 'path': '/Users/jj/Library/Application Support/streamrip/failed_downloads.db'}}, 'conversion': {'enabled': False, 'codec': 'ALAC', 'sampling_rate': 48000, 'bit_depth': 24, 'lossy_bitrate': 320}, 'filters': {'extras': False, 'repeats': False, 'non_albums': False, 'features': False, 'non_studio_albums': False, 'non_remaster': False}, 'artwork': {'embed': True, 'size': 'large', 'max_width': -1, 'max_height': -1, 'keep_hires_cover': True}, 'metadata': {'set_playlist_to_album': True, 'new_playlist_tracknumbers': True, 'exclude': []}, 'filepaths': {'add_singles_to_folder': False, 'folder_format': '{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]', 'track_format': '{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}{explicit}', 'restrict_characters': False, 'truncate': True}, 'lastfm': {'source': 'deezer', 'fallback_source': 'deezer'}, 'theme': {'progress_bar': 'dainty'}, 'misc': {'version': '1.9.6'}}
DEBUG:streamrip:Arguments from config: {'restrict_filenames': False, 'truncate_filenames': True, 'parent_folder': '', 'folder_format': '{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]', 'track_format': '{tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}{explicit}', 'embed_cover': True, 'embed_cover_size': 'large', 'keep_hires_cover': True, 'set_playlist_to_album': True, 'stay_temp': False, 'conversion': {'enabled': False, 'codec': 'ALAC', 'sampling_rate': 48000, 'bit_depth': 24, 'lossy_bitrate': 320}, 'concurrent_downloads': True, 'max_connections': 3, 'new_tracknumbers': True, 'download_videos': True, 'download_booklets': True, 'download_youtube_videos': False, 'youtube_video_downloads_folder': '', 'add_singles_to_folder': False, 'max_artwork_width': -1, 'max_artwork_height': -1, 'exclude_tags': []}
DEBUG:streamrip:Loading metadata
DEBUG:streamrip:{'id': 123123, 'title': 'Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)', 'upc': '602517462823', 'link': '', 'share': '', 'cover': '', 'cover_small': '', 'cover_medium': '', 'cover_big': '', 'cover_xl': '', 'md5_image': '16d9c30d4b466bffceda5b5fbbd15020', 'genre_id': 132, 'genres': {'data': [{'id': 132, 'name': 'Pop', 'picture': '', 'type': 'genre'}]}, 'label': 'Universal Music Spain S.L.', 'nb_tracks': 1, 'duration': 204, 'fans': 78, 'release_date': '2007-08-06', 'record_type': 'single', 'available': True, 'tracklist': '', 'explicit_lyrics': False, 'explicit_content_lyrics': 0, 'explicit_content_cover': 2, 'contributors': [{'id': 80754, 'name': 'Dani Mata', 'link': '', 'share': '', 'picture': '', 'picture_small': '', 'picture_medium': '', 'picture_big': '', 'picture_xl': '', 'radio': True, 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'artist', 'role': 'Main'}], 'artist': {'id': 80754, 'name': 'Dani Mata', 'picture': '', 'picture_small': '', 'picture_medium': '', 'picture_big': '', 'picture_xl': '', 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'artist'}, 'type': 'album', 'tracks': [{'id': 1148789, 'readable': False, 'title': 'Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)', 'title_short': 'Lamento Boliviano', 'title_version': '(XTM Remix)', 'isrc': 'ES5700703069', 'link': '', 'duration': 204, 'track_position': 1, 'disk_number': 1, 'rank': 56297, 'explicit_lyrics': False, 'explicit_content_lyrics': 0, 'explicit_content_cover': 2, 'preview': '', 'md5_image': '16d9c30d4b466bffceda5b5fbbd15020', 'artist': {'id': 80754, 'name': 'Dani Mata', 'tracklist': '', 'type': 'artist'}, 'type': 'track'}], 'track_total': 1}
DEBUG:streamrip:{'meta': <TrackMetadata object -0x1a278046a71ce672>, 'id': 1148789, 'part_of_tracklist': True}
DEBUG:streamrip:Sampling rate, bit depth = ()
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatter: {'albumartist': 'Dani Mata', 'title': 'Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)', 'year': '2007', 'bit_depth': None, 'sampling_rate': None, 'container': 'MP3', 'albumcomposer': None, 'id': 123123}
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatter keys: {albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]
DEBUG:streamrip:Dani Mata
DEBUG:streamrip:Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)

Downloading Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix) (Album)

Downloading cover art (large)
DEBUG:streamrip:Chosen cover url:
DEBUG:streamrip:Downloading cover from url
Cover |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 28.2MB/s
DEBUG:streamrip:Downloading hires cover
Cover |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 00:00 left at 1.83MB/s
DEBUG:streamrip:Getting cover_obj from /var/folders/2r/2qch73cs6m3691xcrz60vvch0000gn/T/cover_ca968eebc1df74d0d44d21103020d1fc.jpg

DEBUG:streamrip:Downloading track to Dani Mata - Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix) (2007) [MP3] [UnknownB-UnknownkHz]
DEBUG:streamrip:Track meta formatter {'tracknumber': 1, 'artist': 'Dani Mata', 'albumartist': 'Dani Mata', 'composer': None, 'title': 'Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)', 'albumcomposer': None, 'explicit': False}
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatter keys: {tracknumber}. {artist} - {title}{explicit}
DEBUG:streamrip:Dani Mata
DEBUG:streamrip:Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)
DEBUG:streamrip:Formatted path: Dani Mata - Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix) (2007) [MP3] [UnknownB-UnknownkHz]/01. Dani Mata - Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix).mp3
DEBUG:streamrip:Track info: {'ALB_ID': '123123', 'ALB_PICTURE': '16d9c30d4b466bffceda5b5fbbd15020', 'ALB_TITLE': 'Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix)', 'ARTISTS': [{'ART_ID': '80754', 'ROLE_ID': '0', 'ARTISTS_SONGS_ORDER': '1', 'ART_NAME': 'Dani Mata', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'ART_PICTURE': '9178a5063adc77868b868dbcc497dbe8', 'RANK': '112239', 'LOCALES': [], '__TYPE__': 'artist'}], 'ART_ID': '80754', 'ART_NAME': 'Dani Mata', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'DIGITAL_RELEASE_DATE': '2007-08-06', 'DISK_NUMBER': '1', 'DURATION': '204', 'EXPLICIT_LYRICS': '0', 'EXPLICIT_TRACK_CONTENT': {'EXPLICIT_LYRICS_STATUS': 0, 'EXPLICIT_COVER_STATUS': 2}, 'FALLBACK': {'ALB_ID': '420220167', 'ALB_PICTURE': 'a8bb33fe80bd42205737f8a93b08b121', 'ALB_TITLE': 'Pop Bangin Remixes 7', 'ARTISTS': [{'ART_ID': '80754', 'ROLE_ID': '0', 'ARTISTS_SONGS_ORDER': '1', 'ART_NAME': 'Dani Mata', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'ART_PICTURE': '9178a5063adc77868b868dbcc497dbe8', 'RANK': '112239', 'LOCALES': [], '__TYPE__': 'artist'}], 'ART_ID': '80754', 'ART_NAME': 'Dani Mata', 'ARTIST_IS_DUMMY': False, 'DIGITAL_RELEASE_DATE': '2023-03-23', 'DISK_NUMBER': '1', 'DURATION': '204', 'EXPLICIT_LYRICS': '0', 'EXPLICIT_TRACK_CONTENT': {'EXPLICIT_LYRICS_STATUS': 0, 'EXPLICIT_COVER_STATUS': 0}, 'GENRE_ID': '0', 'HIERARCHICAL_TITLE': '', 'ISRC': 'ES5700703069', 'LYRICS_ID': 0, 'PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE': '2023-03-23', 'PROVIDER_ID': '427', 'RANK': '64679', 'SMARTRADIO': 0, 'SNG_CONTRIBUTORS': {'main_artist': ['Dani Mata'], 'composer': ['Natalio Faingold', 'Raul F. Gomez']}, 'SNG_ID': '2202165777', 'SNG_TITLE': 'Lamento Boliviano', 'STATUS': 1, 'TRACK_NUMBER': '33', 'USER_ID': 0, 'VERSION': '(XTM Remix)', 'MD5_ORIGIN': '0727cc5d502a4226a2d00ae20f930eee', 'FILESIZE_AAC_64': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_64': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_128': '3271365', 'FILESIZE_MP3_256': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_320': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA1': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA2': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA3': '0', 'FILESIZE_FLAC': '0', 'FILESIZE': '3271365', 'GAIN': '-7.5', 'MEDIA_VERSION': '3', 'TRACK_TOKEN': 'AAAAAWSxXwNksnhDhtBh4PrGXrm6XuLGoF2yuRkirYSohtPHBQViOSL4MCK0_p1rK9vyuPVvYz0po-EkeO2tKzEdtP1lMgqmVs1R5g3j3c1cOtUAGqPa7PKzvc_rP9eUu4VxNn57uiEo_-yRqxE', 'TRACK_TOKEN_EXPIRE': 1689417795, 'MEDIA': [{'TYPE': 'preview', 'HREF': ''}], 'RIGHTS': {'STREAM_ADS_AVAILABLE': True, 'STREAM_ADS': '2000-01-01', 'STREAM_SUB_AVAILABLE': True, 'STREAM_SUB': '2000-01-01'}, '__TYPE__': 'song'}, 'GENRE_ID': '7', 'HIERARCHICAL_TITLE': '', 'ISRC': 'ES5700703069', 'LYRICS_ID': 0, 'PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE': '2007-01-01', 'PROVIDER_ID': '427', 'RANK': '56297', 'SMARTRADIO': 0, 'SNG_CONTRIBUTORS': {'main_artist': ['Dani Mata'], 'composer': ['Natalio Faingold', 'Raul F. Gomez']}, 'SNG_ID': '1148789', 'SNG_TITLE': 'Lamento Boliviano', 'STATUS': 1, 'TRACK_NUMBER': '1', 'USER_ID': 0, 'VERSION': '(XTM Remix)', 'MD5_ORIGIN': '73b58ca5975e54886680387968a5483a', 'FILESIZE_AAC_64': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_64': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_128': '3271365', 'FILESIZE_MP3_256': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP3_320': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA1': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA2': '0', 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA3': '0', 'FILESIZE_FLAC': '0', 'FILESIZE': '3271365', 'GAIN': '-7.4', 'MEDIA_VERSION': '5', 'TRACK_TOKEN': 'AAAAAWSxXwNksnhDxgarCIm6qLI6agYkG8_HlP2_pbKqnbQI03GpCq3EEj_A_fJmr9K3IwvYlu4uo4XQNuHWU1a_g5IXOO01F4kOVDZ0VTHXxLaDFzkPzkwS45SFGnend_hNv_Jr_gOt86inydI3eS57RA', 'TRACK_TOKEN_EXPIRE': 1689417795, 'MEDIA': [{'TYPE': 'preview', 'HREF': ''}], 'RIGHTS': {}, '__TYPE__': 'song'}
DEBUG:streamrip:NonStreamable('The requested quality is not available with your subscription. Deezer HiFi is required for quality 2. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 1.')
Unable to stream Dani Mata - Lamento Boliviano (XTM Remix). Message: The requested quality is not available with your subscription. Deezer HiFi is required for quality 2. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 1.
DEBUG:streamrip:Executing INSERT INTO failed_downloads (source, media_type, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
DEBUG:streamrip:Items to add: ('deezer', 'track', 1148789)

Config File

# 0, 1, or 2
# This only applies to paid Deezer subscriptions. Those using deezloader
# are automatically limited to quality = 1
quality = 1
# An authentication cookie that allows streamrip to use your Deezer account
# See
# for instructions on how to find this
arl = "XXXX"
# This allows for free 320kbps MP3 downloads from Deezer
# If an arl is provided, deezloader is never used
use_deezloader = true
# This warns you when the paid deezer account is not logged in and rip falls
# back to deezloader, which is unreliable
deezloader_warnings = true

Operating System

macos Ventura 13.4

streamrip version


Screenshots and recordings


Additional context

No response

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

wally-crunk commented 1 year ago

Can you update the provided messages.

Error message: "The requested quality [X] requires a subscription. 'Deezer HiFi' is required for quality 2. 'Deezer Premium' is required for quality 1. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 0."

Default in TOML: "Unpaid accounts are limited to quality = 0. Those using..."

stale[bot] commented 11 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

wally-crunk commented 11 months ago

But no, please do not close. Can you update the provided messages.

Error message: "The requested quality [X] requires a subscription. 'Deezer HiFi' is required for quality 2. 'Deezer Premium' is required for quality 1. Otherwise, the maximum quality allowed is 0."

Default in TOML: "Unpaid accounts are limited to quality = 0. Those using..."