nathom / streamrip

A scriptable music downloader for Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud, and Deezer
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.6k stars 227 forks source link

[BUG] Search results not displayed #632

Open Jazzo58 opened 7 months ago

Jazzo58 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

When using the "rip search" function, either with album name or playlist name, there is nothing displayed. When using the "rip id" function with corresponding identification, the tracks are correctly downloaded.

Command Used

rip search tidal playlist "les italiens"

rip search tidal album "fleetwood mac rumours"

Debug Traceback

C:\Users\Michel>rip search tidal playlist "les italiens"
No search results found for query les italiens


C:\Users\Michel>rip -vvv search tidal album "fleetwood mac rumours"
[11:34:08] DEBUG    Showing all debug logs                                                         


Config File

# Folder where tracks are downloaded to
folder = "C:\\Users\\Michel\\StreamripDownloads"
# Put Qobuz albums in a 'Qobuz' folder, Tidal albums in 'Tidal' etc.
source_subdirectories = false

# Download (and convert) tracks all at once, instead of sequentially. 
# If you are converting the tracks, or have fast internet, this will 
# substantially improve processing speed.
concurrency = true
# The maximum number of tracks to download at once
# If you have very fast internet, you will benefit from a higher value,
# A value that is too high for your bandwidth may cause slowdowns
# Set to -1 for no limit
max_connections = 6
# Max number of API requests per source to handle per minute
# Set to -1 for no limit
requests_per_minute = 60

# 1: 320kbps MP3, 2: 16/44.1, 3: 24/<=96, 4: 24/>=96
quality = 3
# This will download booklet pdfs that are included with some albums
download_booklets = true

# Authenticate to Qobuz using auth token? Value can be true/false only
use_auth_token = false
# Enter your userid if the above use_auth_token is set to true, else enter your email
email_or_userid = ""
# Enter your auth token if the above use_auth_token is set to true, else enter the md5 hash of your plaintext password
password_or_token = ""
# Do not change
app_id = ""
# Do not change
secrets = []

# 0: 256kbps AAC, 1: 320kbps AAC, 2: 16/44.1 "HiFi" FLAC, 3: 24/44.1 "MQA" FLAC
quality = 3
# This will download videos included in Video Albums.
download_videos = true

# Do not change any of the fields below
user_id = 197298593
country_code = "FR"
access_token = "eyJraWQiOiJ2OU1GbFhqWSIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2In0.eyJ0eXBlIjoibzJfYWNjZXNzIiwidWlkIjoxOTcyOTg1OTMsInNjb3BlIjoid19zdWIgcl91c3Igd191c3IiLCJnVmVyIjowLCJzVmVyIjowLCJjaWQiOjMyMzUsImV4cCI6MTcwODkzOTkxNSwic2lkIjoiZjk4MzUwZDYtOTA4Mi00NDk2LThkMTYtNDg1YmFhZjY1ZWVmIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRoLnRpZGFsLmNvbS92MSJ9.WPFu5y2yoSSlgeDWzcrYY45e0tknDsCsdUD0FUBSbFYZtsCYKQVzuGZKqMrPiOBhjSNoIxzDROzW-Xgo68zsgA"
refresh_token = "eyJraWQiOiJoUzFKYTdVMCIsImFsZyI6IkVTNTEyIn0.eyJ0eXBlIjoibzJfcmVmcmVzaCIsInVpZCI6MTk3Mjk4NTkzLCJzY29wZSI6Indfc3ViIHJfdXNyIHdfdXNyIiwiY2lkIjozMjM1LCJzVmVyIjowLCJnVmVyIjowLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGgudGlkYWwuY29tL3YxIn0.Af6kzj1r8hXm0CyYid7iJJY_CQPX34QvwJFDgiYc-pTotiJ6NzdDQfmQmmfRV5lSs2jxp18pgxFanRFD9DpfIEaFAa4KLuMPD4Yhw2g_lqC_zdGWBdNTNQo1QicXwkXZguc7_iNJtZ4jka1DVQrfgIyi4VDGEgaus-FZBkq5p0eIeUz2"
# Tokens last 1 week after refresh. This is the Unix timestamp of the expiration
# time. If you haven't used streamrip in more than a week, you may have to log
# in again using `rip config --tidal`
token_expiry = 1708940045.343564

# 0, 1, or 2
# This only applies to paid Deezer subscriptions. Those using deezloader
# are automatically limited to quality = 1
quality = 2
# An authentication cookie that allows streamrip to use your Deezer account
# See
# for instructions on how to find this
arl = ""
# This allows for free 320kbps MP3 downloads from Deezer
# If an arl is provided, deezloader is never used
use_deezloader = true
# This warns you when the paid deezer account is not logged in and rip falls
# back to deezloader, which is unreliable
deezloader_warnings = true

# Only 0 is available for now
quality = 0
# This changes periodically, so it needs to be updated
client_id = ""
app_version = ""

# Only 0 is available for now
quality = 0
# Download the video along with the audio
download_videos = false
# The path to download the videos to
video_downloads_folder = "C:\\Users\\Michel\\StreamripDownloads\\YouTubeVideos"

# Create a database that contains all the track IDs downloaded so far
# Any time a track logged in the database is requested, it is skipped
# This can be disabled temporarily with the --no-db flag
downloads_enabled = true
# Path to the downloads database 
downloads_path = "C:\\Users\\Michel\\AppData\\Roaming\\streamrip\\downloads.db"
# If a download fails, the item ID is stored here. Then, `rip repair` can be
# called to retry the downloads
failed_downloads_enabled = true
failed_downloads_path = "C:\\Users\\Michel\\AppData\\Roaming\\streamrip\\failed_downloads.db"

# Convert tracks to a codec after downloading them.
enabled = false
codec = "ALAC"
# In Hz. Tracks are downsampled if their sampling rate is greater than this. 
# Value of 48000 is recommended to maximize quality and minimize space
sampling_rate = 48000
# Only 16 and 24 are available. It is only applied when the bit depth is higher
# than this value.
bit_depth = 24
# Only applicable for lossy codecs
lossy_bitrate = 320

# Filter a Qobuz artist's discography. Set to 'true' to turn on a filter.
# This will also be applied to other sources, but is not guaranteed to work correctly
# Remove Collectors Editions, live recordings, etc.
extras = false
# Picks the highest quality out of albums with identical titles.
repeats = false
# Remove EPs and Singles
non_albums = false
# Remove albums whose artist is not the one requested
features = false
# Skip non studio albums
non_studio_albums = false
# Only download remastered albums
non_remaster = false

# Write the image to the audio file
embed = true
# The size of the artwork to embed. Options: thumbnail, small, large, original.
# "original" images can be up to 30MB, and may fail embedding. 
# Using "large" is recommended.
embed_size = "large"
# If this is set to a value > 0, max(width, height) of the embedded art will be set to this value in pixels
# Proportions of the image will remain the same
embed_max_width = -1
# Save the cover image at the highest quality as a seperate jpg file
save_artwork = true
# If this is set to a value > 0, max(width, height) of the saved art will be set to this value in pixels
# Proportions of the image will remain the same
saved_max_width = -1

# Sets the value of the 'ALBUM' field in the metadata to the playlist's name. 
# This is useful if your music library software organizes tracks based on album name.
set_playlist_to_album = true
# If part of a playlist, sets the `tracknumber` field in the metadata to the track's 
# position in the playlist instead of its position in its album
renumber_playlist_tracks = true
# The following metadata tags won't be applied
# See for more info
exclude = []

# Changes the folder and file names generated by streamrip.
# Create folders for single tracks within the downloads directory using the folder_format
# template
add_singles_to_folder = false
# Available keys: "albumartist", "title", "year", "bit_depth", "sampling_rate",
# "id", and "albumcomposer"
folder_format = "{albumartist} - {title} ({year}) [{container}] [{bit_depth}B-{sampling_rate}kHz]"
# Available keys: "tracknumber", "artist", "albumartist", "composer", "title",
# and "albumcomposer", "explicit"
track_format = "{tracknumber:02}. {artist} - {title}{explicit}"
# Only allow printable ASCII characters in filenames.
restrict_characters = false
# Truncate the filename if it is greater than this number of characters
# Setting this to false may cause downloads to fail on some systems
truncate_to = 120

# playlists are downloaded by searching for the titles of the tracks
# The source on which to search for the tracks.
source = "qobuz"
# If no results were found with the primary source, the item is searched for 
# on this one.
fallback_source = ""

# Print "Downloading {Album name}" etc. to screen
text_output = true
# Show resolve, download progress bars
progress_bars = true
# The maximum number of search results to show in the interactive menu
max_search_results = 100

# Metadata to identify this config file. Do not change.
version = "2.0.3"
# Print a message if a new version of streamrip is available 
check_for_updates = true

Operating System

Windows 10

streamrip version


Screenshots and recordings

No response

Additional context

No response

crankedguy commented 7 months ago

Are you maybe using Python 3.12 maybe? streamrip is completely defunct with 3.12 here under Windows 10 (with a clean venv), it does not show any result lists, gets segmentation faults etc. Generally this hint "Most bugs fixed" for the 2.0 major version sadly cannot be confirmed at all after testing it since several hours. The amount of bugs/errors/hiccups is really devastating (it was not much better with 1.9.x anyways) and also the poor errorhandling and constant misuse of asserts for errorhandling... Yes. Maybe some old bugs were fixed, but countless new introduced.

If it runs it is nice though, and if you can code I would advise to fix it for your needs, that's what I did with 1.9.x too.

For this particular thing just put it in a 3.11 venv if 3.12 is the culprit for a quick solution and you will be able to see your results again. This did at least fix the display in my case without any further analyzing the issue.

Jazzo58 commented 7 months ago

thanks for your reply

my python version is 3.12.2 ... what 3.11 version should I use ? On, the last stable version is 3.11.8 .

should I keep the 2.0.5 version for streamrip ? revert to an older version ?

crankedguy commented 7 months ago

I tested it on 3.11.6, there it works.

First of all you can use it as a good base to write your own thing for your own needs.

If you are not able to code and want an honest answer : If 1.x works for you for the sake of god switch back. I am sitting here since more than 24 hours in total fixing bugs and QOL issues. Alone the logic behind the lastfm playlist matching is ridiculous - i do not use such language normally because it is offensive and therefore useless, but there is no other word for it in that case - and a perfect example that not everyone should write software. The whole thing is just bad and full of bugs (as said asserts misused as error handling constantly, UX is terrible therefore, parameters in functions that are overwritten hardcoded in the function they are actually used, seemingly async problems re max download speed (at least on Windows), seemingly completely untested in general except for plain vanilla cases, hints to options that do not exist (anymore), the list goes on)

AllKind commented 7 months ago

@crankedguy I hope you'll open up PR(s) for your fixes. So others can benefit.

crankedguy commented 7 months ago

@AllKind Won't ever happen, sorry. Because what I did to the code in the meanwhile you can't just put into a PR without investing a considerate amount of time, which I am a) not willing to invest and b) it's not worth it in this case. Reasons are partly in my last message, The software is not well, if it was "sold" as a tech-demo there would be a different light shining on it at least. Also I deleted a lot of the code.

Jazzo58 commented 7 months ago


I tested it on 3.11.6, there it works.

First of all you can use it as a good base to write your own thing for your own needs.

If you are not able to code and want an honest answer : If 1.x works for you for the sake of god switch back. I am sitting here since more than 24 hours in total fixing bugs and QOL issues. Alone the logic behind the lastfm playlist matching is ridiculous - i do not use such language normally because it is offensive and therefore useless, but there is no other word for it in that case - and a perfect example that not everyone should write software. The whole thing is just bad and full of bugs (as said asserts misused as error handling constantly, UX is terrible therefore, parameters in functions that are overwritten hardcoded in the function they are actually used, seemingly async problems re max download speed (at least on Windows), seemingly completely untested in general except for plain vanilla cases, hints to options that do not exist (anymore), the list goes on)

Jazzo58 commented 7 months ago

I revert to Python 3.11.6. I use the streamrip V2.0.5 because the Tidal playlist download only works with the ID. So I have a way to get the tracks properly downloaded. May be something is wrong with the search for tidal playlist (is the URL used still valid ?) ; The album search with text query seems to work in this configuration.

crankedguy commented 6 months ago

This has nothing to do with an URL, this has to do with the python version/an external library in this case. As said, sadly this is just a complete piece of defunct software, at least on Windows. It runs way slower than 1.9.x, has constant async issues, has countless errors, is not tested properly, functionality was just removed. I needed 10 days to download 15 playlists because of the complete off error handling which throws you out on every error and every occasion that occurs. There was unnecessary complexity introduced with making the whole thing async, which the developer is seemingly not able to handle properly, otherwise the permanent async errors on larger tasks are unexplainable. As you see yourself on 3.12 which is recommended you cannot even do an interactive search.

Jazzo58 commented 6 months ago

Capture streamrip

This is what I get when I execute : rip search tidal album "john surman"

I got the list of all albums from this artist. Then, I am able to download after selection. So it is correct for me.

The "rip search playlist" found no playlsit in my personal playlists. It could be because the search doesn't look in my favorites.

For the base URL, note that I found that the M Herger Tidal plugin used this base API : '' instead of "".