nathonius / obsidian-github-link
The Unlicense
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Show more granular status of PR checks #96

Open nathonius opened 5 months ago

nathonius commented 5 months ago

Current implementation only looks at a true/false mergeability, so regardless of the reason a PR isn't mergeable (conflicts, reviews, checks), it will just show 'not mergeable'.

Calling the checks endpoint would allow for much more granular data, but requires a bit more effort than I'm interested in investing right now. Same with review comments.

claremacrae commented 2 months ago

Thanks for this really useful plugin...

Would this request cover searches like:

is:pr is:open -is:draft status:success?

Asking to avoid creating duplicate requests for those if one exists already...

claremacrae commented 2 months ago

This works:

outputType: table
queryType: pull-request
query: "repo:obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks state:open is:pr is:open -is:draft status:success"