nathyong / web500

A web interface for playing the 500 card game.
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Nicknames should be per-room #10

Closed nathyong closed 8 years ago

nathyong commented 8 years ago

Currently the implementation uses 'usernames' which persist forever on database, but the database should probably be replaced with something more ephemeral for now, and usernames should be able to be reused, at least for a small scale, and for a non-competitive game like 500.

nathyong commented 8 years ago

This involves getting rid of the database for usernames, too, and the room structure will need to be moved around a little bit but that's not too much of an issue. If we make it login-less (since there is no longer much point in keeping the session alive for longer than the lifetime of a room) then this makes #4 redundant also.

vinceau commented 8 years ago

4 was supposed to give players who disconnect/accidentally close their tab/window, have their browser crash, a second chance at continuing the game. If we remove #4, what's the correct way to handle player disconnection? Just force restart a new game?

nathyong commented 8 years ago

We can use session specific cookies instead of secret keys, eliminating the need for users to keep track of keys for each game. We can rely on cookies for all users who will play..