natinusala / borealis

Hardware accelerated, controller and TV oriented UI library for PC and Nintendo Switch (libnx)
Apache License 2.0
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Including borealis within a cmake project #28

Closed nadrino closed 4 years ago

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Hello there,

I'm trying to use borealis as a submodule for my Switch homebrew SimpleModManager. I included the borealis lib with cmake in my project, and the compilation seems to work fine. However when I try to launch it on the Switch it crashes.

I've tried to isolate the problem and it seems like it comes from there :

// Init glfw
if (!glfwInit())
    Logger::error("Failed to initialize glfw");
    return false;


Application::window = glfwCreateWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, title.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr); // here is the crash

When glfwInit() is called, it makes glfwCreateWindow crashing.

Have you any clue on where it could come from ?

P.-S. Great GUI by the way :) It's been a while since I've looked for a kind a neutral GUI lib for the swich!

natinusala commented 4 years ago


Can you make a debug build and see where it crashes? You can use aarch64-none-elf-addr2line (from devkitA64) with the crash report from Atmosphere.

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for the support !

How should I use "aarch64-none-elf-addr2line" ? (never used it before)

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Run it on the debug elf and give the address of the stack trace you see in the crash report

Le 19 juin 2020 19:30:29 Adrien Blanchet a écrit :

Thanks a lot for the support ! How should I use "aarch64-none-elf-addr2line" ? (never used it before) — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Ok so I need to launch the .elf on my Switch -> it crashes -> reboot the switch -> get the crash repport -> use "aarch64-none-elf-addr2line" to understand the error code. Is it right ?

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Yup, the debug elf gets placed next to the nro when you run the makefile

Le 20 juin 2020 01:38:08 Adrien Blanchet a écrit :

Ok so I need to launch the .elf on my Switch -> it crashes -> reboot the switch -> get the crash repport -> use "aarch64-none-elf-addr2line" to understand the error code. Is it right ? — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Ok there we go : 02507420952_010000000000100d.log

But when I do: aarch64-none-elf-addr2line -e SimpleModManagerGui.elf 0000000a2e54f9a8

I got: ??:0

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Actually I don't really know what to excpect from this adress2line command since I know the crash is happenning while glfwCreateWindow is called. Since glfw is an already compiled library, I don't know what would we be able to do with a line number

nadrino commented 4 years ago

By the way here is the list of adresses: SimpleModManagerGui.elf.txt

WerWolv commented 4 years ago

You're passing the absolute address in memory to addr2line which is wrong. ASLR will place it in a random location on every start. What you should do instead is passing the address relative to the load address to addr2line.

PC: 000000038e271b1c (nx-hbmenu + 0xc4b1c) <- from your log file

The first number is the absolute address and nx-hbmenu + 0xc4b1c means offset 0xc4b1c from wherever the hbloader loaded you to. Additionally there are a few more flags you can pass to addr2line to get better output. Try running this instead: aarch64-none-elf-addr2line -e yourprogram.elf -f -p -C -a 0xC4B1C

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Oh I see ! Thanks a lot for the explainations !

So running aarch64-none-elf-addr2line -e SimpleModManagerGui.elf -f -p -C -a 0xC4B1C, here is what I got:

0x00000000000c4b1c: _mesa_GetQueryIndexediv at :?
WerWolv commented 4 years ago

You want to go further down the stack trace then. Take the same number at the end of the ReturnAddress lines. From bottom to top this will be the functions called in order before it reached _mesa_GetQueryIndexediv and crashed

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Did you try the borealis example homebrew first? Does it run?

To rule out any funky setup issues on your CFW install

nadrino commented 4 years ago

The borealis example works perfectly fine (when it's compiled with the Makefile)

I was making a simpler version of my main() function to clean up all annex calls from SMM:

#include <borealis.hpp>

int main(int argc, char **argv){


  if (!brls::Application::init("SimpleModManager")){
    brls::Logger::error("Unable to init Borealis application");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


And here is the error log with the ReturnAddress lines parsed:

        X[00]:                   000000072456e284
        X[01]:                   000000072456e298
        X[02]:                   00000000004f8029
        X[03]:                   000000003b9ac8c8
        X[04]:                   000000003b9ac8c8
        X[05]:                   000000005eede8bd
        X[06]:                   0000000000000001
        X[07]:                   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
        X[08]:                   0000000000000000
        X[09]:                   0000000000000000
        X[10]:                   0000000000000000
        X[11]:                   0000000000000000
        X[12]:                   0000000000000000
        X[13]:                   0000000000000000
        X[14]:                   0000000000000000
        X[15]:                   0000000000000000
        X[16]:                   0000000000000000
        X[17]:                   0000000000000000
        X[18]:                   0000000000000000
        X[19]:                   0000000000000000
        X[20]:                   0000000000000000
        X[21]:                   0000000000000000
        X[22]:                   0000000000000000
        X[23]:                   0000000000000000
        X[24]:                   0000000000000000
        X[25]:                   0000000000000000
        X[26]:                   0000000000000000
        X[27]:                   0000000000000000
        X[28]:                   0000000000000000
        FP:                      0000000008041eb0
        LR:                      00000007244a6e58 (nx-hbmenu + 0x95e58): 0x0000000000095e58: _mesa_GetString at :?
        SP:                      0000000008041eb0
        PC:                      00000007244a5c94 (nx-hbmenu + 0x94c94): 0x0000000000094c94: draw_buffers_error at :?
    Stack Trace:
        ReturnAddress[00]:       00000007244af22c (nx-hbmenu + 0x9e22c): 0x000000000009e22c: nvc0_init_query_functions at :?
        ReturnAddress[01]:       00000007244e3a14 (nx-hbmenu + 0xd2a14): 0x00000000000d2a14: teximage_no_error at :?
        ReturnAddress[02]:       000000072441bbe0 (nx-hbmenu + 0xabe0): 0x000000000000abe0: glnvg__setUniforms(GLNVGcontext*, int, int) at /Users/ablanche/Documents/Work/Repositories/SimpleModManager/test/../gui/library/borealis/library/include/borealis/extern/nanovg/nanovg_gl.h:975
        ReturnAddress[03]:       00000007244af368 (nx-hbmenu + 0x9e368): 0x000000000009e368: create_queries at :?
        ReturnAddress[04]:       00000007244b038c (nx-hbmenu + 0x9f38c): 0x000000000009f38c: _mesa_EndQueryIndexed at :?
        ReturnAddress[05]:       0000000000000000
natinusala commented 4 years ago

I had hoped the pacman packages had debug symbols for mesa and/or glfw, not everything seems to be present

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Does the same code work with a Makefile?

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Gonna try that!

It might comes from some compile/link options that are added by cmake

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Hum... compiled it with a Makefile and also got a crash. Didn't expect that

I've commited these test files I've been working on : In case you see something obvious...

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Same crash?

nadrino commented 4 years ago

It seems. In fact I've put the exact same files from the example, and while compiling with this Makefile I got: 0x0000000000094c94: _mesa_FramebufferDrawBufferEXT at :?

natinusala commented 4 years ago

So regular Makefile and regular example works, but your own Makefile and the example doesn't work?

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Yes, and I would say only my Makefile (which is practically just a copy-paste of the example with updated paths) is wrong since the source files are exactly the example ones :

natinusala commented 4 years ago

How can only paths changes cause such a crash?

nadrino commented 4 years ago

Alright it's working now!

Yes, at this point I throught may be there was something wrong with the resources path.

The last issue was comming from the fact that I was leaving the "rootFrame" empty, which seemd to be the exact same problem as for the cmake project.

I retried compiling within my cmake project after doing a bit of cleaning, and there I couldn't compile anymore. This was actually because I was not including the SMM files correcly. I believe some wierd cmake cache was responsible for making the .elf compilable.

So in short: cleanup the cmake cached files...

Thanks a lot for the support @natinusala, I think it was very useful for me !

Btw I got a last question : In borealis you are using a logger. Does it write the ouput in a file somewhere ? I mean how this is intended to be used ?

natinusala commented 4 years ago

Glad to hear that's fixed!

You need to use nxlink to get logs at runtime, as with any other homebrew