Closed ggrannum closed 5 years ago
There are 5 scenarios which need to be investigated:
This relates to digital downloads and licensing projects
Arrange interviews with the following people to understand current processes when closed or retained or redacted pages or text are opened and available for publishing:
[ ] Digital Downloads
[x] Accessions
[x] DSD
[x] Catalogue team
[ ] Licensing - are we informed when papers are redacted by licensee? How are closed or retained pages updated?
[ ] FOI
[ ] Digital Preservation
Questions to ask:
do redactions on open records have a date when they can be unredacted and published?
Do we know which pages are to be replaced?
Do we inform the researchers the date the information was made available? And what information has been changed?
When closed or retained records accessioned how does anyone know if the parent has been digitised and therefore need to be inserted?
Do we know who has digitised copies which need to be updated?
Is the master digitised file updated?
What are the processes to update the copies and master files?
Many digital surrogates contain pages have been extracted as closed or retained. As these pages are opened there needs to be a process to identify, scan and insert the pages into the parent document.
This was raised at January's Discovery Board and GG asked to write a paper outlining the issues and processes.
benefit for user = 3 - users get a complete and accurate record benefit for TNA = 3 - we get improved processes. Confidence in the accuracy of the digital record business priority = 0 impact of doing nothing = 3 - there is divergence between analogue and digital versions. Resales are incomplete. Time is spend managing complaints