nationalparkservice / EnvironmentalSetting_Toolkit

Tools supporting the NPS IMD Environmental Setting protocol
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Re-visit formatting of micro-drought nested lists #18

Closed llnelson closed 5 years ago

llnelson commented 5 years ago

Current requests return the end date of the run which is not included in the CSV output.
Example call: var url = "", params = { uid: 12790, sdate: "2018-01-01", edate: "2018-12-31", elems: [{ name: "pcpn", interval: "yly", duration: "yly", reduce: {reduce: "run_le_0.01", run_maxmissing: 10, add: "date,rmcnt"}, maxMissing: 10 }] }; postResults(url, params);

ACIS requests return flags only for dly duration. Flags for pcpn will be included if daily flag persistence logic is implemented.