nationalparkservice / EnvironmentalSetting_Toolkit

Tools supporting the NPS IMD Environmental Setting protocol
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Add climate div and other info to findStation() response #23

Closed llnelson closed 5 years ago

llnelson commented 6 years ago

See /General ACIS web service.

Note that Climate Divisions are state-constrained

llnelson commented 5 years ago

Example: var url = "", params = { bbox: "-83.62696251, 35.01416585,-81.30636672,36", meta: "uid,name,state,ll,elev,valid_daterange,sids,climdiv,county", elems: "maxt,mint" }; postResults(url, params);

llnelson commented 5 years ago

Side-effect: need to update schema for HistoricWeather_Stage.dbo.Station and associated SQL script

llnelson commented 5 years ago

Station metric outputs will NOT include climdiv and county, so eventual population of those fields in the staging table will be done post-load with a secondary call to findStation().