nationalparkservice / SET-viz

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SET data - Standardized data and Elevation Data now working #89

Closed NPSlynch closed 2 months ago

NPSlynch commented 3 months ago

FYI - Right now your SET line plots are using the raw pin data. We have started to get these other versions of the data working (ASIS and GATE). There three types of SET pin data available coming from the SET database

1) SET Pin data - Raw SET pin height data (Col: P, Field: pin_height_mm) - This is what you've been working with.

2) Standardized pin data - Pin data normalized based on the below info. A. Raw SET pin height data (Col: P, Field: pin_height_mm) B. Pin length (Col AE, Field: pin_length_mm) C. SET offset - This is the distance from the top of the SET receiver to the top of the horizontal arm of the SET. This is a fixed value of about 393mm (Col:AH, Field: SET_offset_mm) Formula - Right now the formula is: Std Pin Height (mm) = C+A-B. This gives a NEGATIVE number for now. Eventually they will add 1000 to this formula to make the values positive.

3) Soil Elevation (Col: R, Field: soil_elev_m) This is another way to present the pin data as an orthometric height (NAVD88, meters). Based on the below info from the DB. D. Elevation of the top of the SET receiver in meters (This is in the DB but not in the export! It should be.)

  Formula - The formula is:  Soil Elevation (m)=  D+C+A-B. Note that you'd need to make sure all fields are in 
                   meters for this column of data.

Note that the math for the two are already in the export so you shouldn't have to do any calculations on your end.

So eventually - The line plots could be based on these other two types of data.

Get it touch if you have questions.


ellenmonster commented 3 months ago

In the user selection, the options then should be:

Am I getting the names and columns correct?

ellenmonster commented 3 months ago

Question for Jimsky!

NPSlynch commented 3 months ago

That is correct for the SET data!

ellenmonster commented 3 months ago

There was a question in all CAPS for you! "(DO YOU KNOW THE COLUMN NAME FOR THIS ONE?)" and please confirm that the names should be "Raw data", "Standardized data", and "Orthometric height"--or do you want the user to be given different labels to choose from?

NPSlynch commented 2 months ago

Pin Height = pin_height_mm Standardized = standardized_soil_elev_mm Orthometric = soil_elev_m

Sorry ! I missed that!

ellenmonster commented 2 months ago

What is the data type for 'soil_elev_m'? I assume it's a numeric decimal, not an integer--right? Are there other data columns that should be decimal and not integer?

NPSlynch commented 2 months ago

Yes - It's the elevation of the marsh surface in meters. Not an integer

ellenmonster commented 2 months ago

Done! Took a lot longer than expected :(