nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
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PWR Data Seed: DEVA Trails, Buildings #314

Closed mtaylorlong closed 8 years ago

mtaylorlong commented 8 years ago

Sandy from PWR requested that we seed the following data for Death Valley using her published services:

Feature Server: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/PWR

jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

DEVA roads and trails wiped on changeset 9068. Backup of pre-wipe data stored here.

Buildings for this park unit not available in RISD EGIS buildings dataset.

POIs not imported due to data inconsistencies. In some cases, the POIFEATTYPE is populated with a recognizable value (ex., "Campground"), in other cases, this field is left null, and in others, a code (ex., "56") is given. For some, but not all, features with null feature type values, the type is indicated by the name.


GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
ADA retained wheelchair PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
ATV retained atv see ADA
Bike retained bicycle see ADA
Comments removed
Distribute removed all trails marked Distribute=Yes
EditDate removed
FeatType removed
FeatureID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Hike retained foot see ADA
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
Motorcycle retained motorcycle see ADA
NonMotoriz retained motor_vehicle see ADA
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
PackOrSadd retained horse see ADA
RegionCode removed
Restrictio removed all marked "Unrestricted"
TrailClass removed
TrailName retained name deleted names for trails named "none"
TrailStatu removed all trails marked "Existing"
TrailSurfa retained surface "Native Material" converted to "dirt"; "TrailSurfa"="Other" is a boardwalk
TrailType removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
UnitName removed
VisAccess retained access for VisAccess='Closed', access=no; for VisAccess='Open', no tag added
XYError removed
created_da removed
created_us removed
last_edi_1 removed
last_edite removed
added "nps:source_system":"PWR_NPSTrails, accessed 2016-05-09"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"


GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AssetID removed
CreateDate removed
CreateUser removed
Distribute retained "Internal Only" access=no; all others "Public"
EditDate removed
EditUser removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
GroupCode removed
InPark removed all marked "Yes"
LocationID removed
Maintainer removed
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
ParkRoadCl removed RoadClass appears to have better data
RegionCode removed
Restrictio removed
RoadAltName retained alt_name
RoadClass removed after populating highway tags see below
RoadLabel retained name
RoadLanes retained lanes
RoadName removed duplicate of RoadLabel
RoadOneWay retained one_way for segments marked "Against Digitized", road segment directions were reversed
RoadStatus removed temporarily closed roads given the access=no tag
RoadSurface retained surface
RouteID retained ref
RouteNumber removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
UnitName removed
created_da removed
created_us removed
last_edit_1 removed
last_edite removed
added "nps:source_system"="PWR_Roads_Service, accessed 20160509"
added "nps:source_system_key"="GlobalID"
RoadClass value Places preset Places tag(s) comment
4WD Four-Wheel Drive Road {"highway":"road"; "4wd_only":"yes"}
Local Minor Road {"highway":"unclassified"}
Private Minor Road {"highway":"unclassified"; "access":"private"}
Secondary Secondary Road {"highway":"secondary"}
Service Access Road {"highway":"service"}
Unknown Unknown Road {"highway":"road"}
jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

John at DEVA has provided a version of the POI data with standardized types defined in the "UserTag" field; POI dataset stored here. This data will eventually replace what is currently on PWR's server. Existing POI data (87 features) removed on changeset 9353. New POI data (226 features) uploaded on changeset 9354 with the following tag translations:

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
Contributor removed
Description removed
FeatureType removed see UserTag below
MapMethod removed
Name retained name
Notes retained nps:notes
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code values converted to lowercase
UnitName removed
UserTag converted see table below
added "nps:source_system":"DEVA_POI_rev.gdb"
added "nps:source_system_key":"none"
UserTag value Places preset Places tag(s) comment
Airport Airport {"aeroway":"aerodrome"}
Automated Fee Machine Fee Booth {"barrier":"toll_booth"}
Campground Campground {"tourism":"camp_site"}
Drinking Water Potable Water {"amenity":"drinking_water"}
Dump Station Dump Station {"amenity":"sanitary_dump_station"}
Entrance Station Entrance Station {"barrier":"entrance"}
Food Service Food Service {"amenity":"food_court"}
Gas Station Gas Station {"amenity":"fuel"}
Headquarters Headquarters {"building":"office","office":"government","function":"headquarters"} name: "Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge"
Information Information {"tourism":"information"}
Lodge Lodging {"tourism":"hotel"} a review of lodging options on suggests these locations fit the category of hotels, as opposed to wilderness huts
Museum Museum {"tourism":"museum"}
Park Headquarters Headquarters {"building":"office","office":"government","function":"headquarters"}
Picnic Area Picnic Area {"tourism":"picnic_site"}
Point of Interest Point of Interest {"tourism":"yes"}
Ranger Station Ranger Station {"amenity":"ranger_station"}
Restroom Restroom {"amenity":"toilets"}
Store Store {"shop":"general"}
Telephone Telephone {"amenity":"telephone"}
Trailhead Trailhead {"highway":"trailhead"}
Visitor Center Visitor Center {"tourism":"information","information":"office"}