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Lands feedback on PT3 boundaries #515

Closed chadlawlis closed 8 years ago

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

From Roger @ Lands, 1/25/16:

I've been consolidating comments from the National and Regional Lands offices on the Park Tiles 3 Beta prior to it going public in February. This list doesn't cover all NPS units. It's just the comments I have received to date.

  • [ ] Lands 4/22/15 IRMA update is not reflected in the NPMap or Park Tiles. #538
  • [ ] Lands 7/23/15 IRMA update is not reflected in the NPMap or Park Tiles. #537
  • [x] Lands 9/30/15 IRMA update is not reflected in the NPMap or Park Tiles. #445
  • [x] Lands 12/31/15 IRMA update is not reflected in the NPMap or Park Tiles. #362
  • [x] The ORCA boundary still does not reflect the addition of the Preserve. This was updated in Lands data 9 months ago. #536
  • [x] It appears all park boundaries for Alaska are old. We have revised the coastlines, etc. in many places and it looks like they are using linework from 2+ years ago.
  • all AKR boundaries now pulling from latest Lands release 20160107
  • [ ] The Alaska shoreline appears to be overly generalized. What is the generalization process?
  • [x] PIPE is named twice when zoomed part way in. #516
  • [x] VOYA is named twice when zoomed out but only once when zoomed in. #517
  • [x] GRPO is named twice when zoomed out but only once when zoomed in. #518
  • [x] PULL marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • change under consideration via #519
  • [x] IATR is missing.
  • we do not currently render/support National Trails
  • [x] INDU marked doesn't show when zoomed out. The name only shows when zoomed way in.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • change under consideration via #519
  • [x] GERO is named twice when zoomed part way in. #520
  • [x] WIHO is missing.
  • it's here:
  • [x] HOCU marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z7, will not render before then
  • [x] CHYO marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z9, will not render before then
  • [x] FILA marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • [x] CUVA is named twice when zoomed part way in. #521
  • [x] PEVI marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • [x] JAGA marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • [x] RIRA marker is not labeled when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z8, will not render before then
  • [x] INPE name disappears when zooming in.
  • can't replicate, appearing all the way through Z19
  • [x] FOUS s named twice when zoomed out but only once when zoomed in. #522
  • [x] THRO the three section are hard to interpret.
  • ? requires further clarification...
  • [x] MNRR the two sections are hard to interpret.
  • ? requires further clarification...
  • [x] WICL marker not labeled NE of Texarkana.
  • ? requires further clarification...
  • label renders at Z9, which is intentional
  • unit boundary is not currently rendering, however. see #524
  • [x] LECL is missing.
  • we do not currently render/support National Trails
  • [x] ULSG name not showing when zoomed out (in St. Louis). There are two NHS in name when zoomed way in.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z9, will not render before then
  • label rendering twice is a problem, see #525
  • [x] JEFF name only shows when zoomed way in. #526
  • [x] EFMO is named twice when zoomed out but only once when zoomed in. #527
  • [x] BRVB name is not showing when zoomed out.
  • min_zoom_label intentionally set to Z7, will not render before then
  • [ ] ABLI with the site covering a lot of area, the label is between the two units and they are hard to find. #528
  • [x] ANJO separated small units, hard to find.
  • it's here, via the search bar
  • requires further clarification...
  • [x] CAHA missing boundary Rodanthe to Oregon Inlet.
  • this is the park preference #513
  • [x] CALO sound side boundary is not correct.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #465
  • [x] CARI missing second plantation.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #467
  • [x] CASA missing expansion west.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #469
  • [x] CHAT no legislative boundary, missing ownership.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #470
  • [x] CHCH Moccasin Bend missing. Small pieces get lost expansion to west of lLookout Mountain missing.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #471
  • [x] CONG missing legislated boundary.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #473
  • [x] FOCA boundary not correct.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #480
  • [x] FODO missing Ft Heiman unit in KY. Missing expansion.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #447
  • [x] FOFR Bloody Marsh missing.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #481
  • [x] FORA has no legislative boundary, missing ownership.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #484
  • [x] FOSU Ft Moultrie boundary missing, Fort Sumpter missing, tour boat terminal not identified, again small pieces get lost.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #485
  • [x] GUCO missing westward expansion, N boundary may have a question.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #486
  • [x] JAZZ missing.
  • it's here
  • this is missing from the Lands dataset, so this boundary is directly from SERO
  • [ ] JELA units in outlying towns not labeled as JELA unless you know where they are you won't find them. #529
  • [x] LIRI missing new boundary.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #491
  • [ ] NATC again small pieces get lost. #530
  • [x] NATR southern terminus needs revision.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #497
  • [x] NISI missing added tract west of park.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #498
  • [x] OBED missing boundary.
  • we have a boundary on file, but for reason it is not currently rendering. see #531
  • [x] SEMO missing.
  • just added via #411
  • [x] SHIL main unit MIIS legislation boundary, missing Corinth and Davis Bridge.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #504
  • [x] TIMU boundary not right.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #506
  • [x] VICK boundary at Waltersville needs revision Pemberton House missing 3 new units missing. Grants Canal in LA missing again small pieces get lost.
  • this is pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #509
  • adding custom labels under consideration via #533
  • [x] CATO this isn't the legislated boundar. Fee-Other parcels are included in boundary.
  • this will be addressed via #347 - the current boundary came directly from the park
  • [x] The following units need their boundaries updated (CAWO, CLBA COGA, FOTH, FOWA, FRDE, FRDO, JEME, KWVM, LIME. LYBA, MABE, MLNM, PAAV, VVWM)
  • all of these will be addressed via #347 - we are working directly with NCR
  • [x] The following boundaries are missing significant details (EVER, BISC, BICY)
  • these are all pulling from the latest available Lands dataset #479, #462, #461
chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

Boundaries we need from Lands:

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

All unresolved issues have been separated into their own issues, which are listed alongside the description. Closing.