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Data from the Places system.
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Add SHEN trails #562

Open chadlawlis opened 8 years ago

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

From Dan @ SHEN, 2/18/16:

The attached zip contains the most recent "public facing" trails layer. The primary display field is Feature Code where: 101 = Accessible Trail 102 = Nature Trail 103 = Horse Road (yellow blaze) 104 = Horse Trail (yellow blaze) 105 = Appalachian Trail (white blaze) 106 = Hiking Trail (blue blaze) 109 = Developed Area Trail

Reclassifying to fit with the Places display classification: Hiking Trail = 101, 102, 106 and 109 (horses not allowed) Horseback Riding Trails = 104 (horses allowed) Appalachian Trail = 105 (horses not allowed) - if possible, replace the section of the AT passing through Shenandoah NP with this version. I noticed that there are currently overlapping versions of the AT in Places. Private Road = 103 (horses allowed) Let me know when you've updated and I'll review again.

There was no attachment on original email, will post link once we have it.

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

@jakecoolidge if you have time between now and Tuesday could you tackle this? If not I can when I'm back online.

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

Also, note to self to add this to Places seed tracking spreadsheets...

jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

Data stored on Drive here

jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

All marked highway=path except FEATURE_CODE=103, which were marked highway=track. Foot/horse use restrictions assigned according to instructions provided by Dan. Currently able to download only small portions of Places data into JOSM, and my uploads back to JOSM are failing, so I'm going to have to hold off until I can have @jimmyrocks look into this more closely.

jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

Verified this morning that my first SHEN changeset from yesterday went through; the view of the data in Places Editor didn't refresh as quickly as it has in the past. I'm going to explore a hybrid JOSM/Places Editor approach that will reduce the changeset size.

jakecoolidge commented 8 years ago

All SHEN trails that are not public-facing have been removed from Places. Pending now are some public-facing trails with improved geometries and attributes. But for the most part, trails that are inappropriate for public view should no longer display in Park Tiles.