nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
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Final additions/tweaks to Places DB reorg #708

Closed chadlawlis closed 8 years ago

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

Okay @jimmyrocks, just a few more things to sort out here before we can wrap up this boundaries database reorg:

  1. Rename the places_parks database to places_boundaries_v2 once the lakes and other non-boundary data is moved out into its own table (@mtaylorlong to follow with instructions for that).
  2. We'd like to add one more field pt_fill (BOOLEAN) to the parks_poly table, which will be listed following pt_render. So, we'll need to regenerate the parks_poly table to get this field into the creation script. Please use the current table to populate the new version of the table including this new field, given I have made some changes in it today.
    • Set pt_fill = 'true' as default
    • Set pt_fill = 'false' WHERE unit_id = 403 OR unit_id = 478 OR unit_id = 87 OR unit_id = 399 OR unit_id = 247 OR unit_id = 235 OR unit_id = 271 OR unit_id = 149 OR unit_id = 431 OR unit_id = 252. This will turn off the fill for the following parks that overlap the larger NAMA and GWMP boundaries: wamo, wwii, coga, vive, linc, kowa, mlkm, frde, thje, lyba.
  3. The field pt_render in the parks_point table is currently set to type TEXT. We need this to be set to type BOOLEAN.

Taylor has a couple more things to add, which he will follow with here. @mtaylorlong can you clarify the other database name as well, from my first bullet point (the DB not housing boundaries data).

Thanks @jimmyrocks!

mtaylorlong commented 8 years ago

Here are my additions:

I made some changes to the mapbox source in Jim's account that will need to be used for the next rendering:

That should do it! Thanks @jimmyrocks!

jimmyrocks commented 8 years ago

New database created with those changes, and new vector tiles field added, enjoy!