nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
13 stars 5 forks source link

PWR Data Seed: NEPE Roads, Trails, Buildings, Parking Areas, and Points of Interest #786

Closed jakecoolidge closed 7 years ago

jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Urls for data sources:

Roads http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/1/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27NEPE%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Points of Interest http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_PointsOfInterest_Service/MapServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27NEPE%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Trails http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27NEPE%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Parking Areas http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/2/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27NEPE%27&outFields=*&f=geojson


jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Road tag translations:

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AssetID removed
Distribute removed road marked 'Internal Only' was deleted prior to upload
FeatureID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
InPark removed
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
OBJECTID removed
ParkRoadCl removed
RoadAltName retained alt_name
RoadClass removed after adding highway tags roads classified as "Local" or not specifiied
RoadLabel removed mostly null values
RoadName retained name
RoadStatus removed marked "Existing" or not specified
RoadSurfac retained surface
RouteID removed
RouteNumbe removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
last_edi_q removed
last_edite removed
added "highway":"road"; "access":"private"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR Roads Service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Trail tag translations:

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AltName retained alt_name for trails that only have an AltName, this was maintained as name
Comments removed
CreateDate removed
Distribute removed
EditDate removed
FeatType removed
FeatureID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Hike retained foot PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
RegionCode removed
SourceDate removed
TrailClass removed
TrailName retained name
TrailStatu removed all marked 'Existing'
TrailSurfa retained surface
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
VisAccess retained access:yes all marked 'Open'
created_da removed
created_us removed
last_edi_1 removed
last_edite removed
added "highway":"path"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR Trails Service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Point of Interest tag translations

12 points of interest assigned to this park were not imported, as all attributes are null.

Parking Area tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AssetID removed
Distribute removed all marked 'Public' or null
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
MapSource removed
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
ParkingNam retained name
ParkingSur retained surface
RIP_Surfac removed
RegionCode removed
RouteID removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
added "amenity":"parking"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR EditTRANS service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Building tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
Admin_Type removed
Building_I removed
Common_Name retained name
Edit_Date removed
FMSS_ID retained nps:fmss_location_id
Federal_En removed
Geometry_ID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Is_Extant removed all marked 'Y'
IS_Sensiti removed all marked 'N'
LCS_ID removed
Map_Method removed
Map_Source removed
OBJECTID removed
Park_ID removed
Polygon_No retained nps:notes
Polygon_Ty removed
Region_Cod removed
Source_Dat removed
Unit_Code retained nps:unit_code
added "building":"yes"
added "nps:source_system":"RISD EGIS Building Polygons, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"
jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Uploaded on changeset 10526