nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
13 stars 5 forks source link

PWR Data Seed: RORI Roads, Trails, Buildings, Parking Areas, and Points of Interest #787

Closed jakecoolidge closed 7 years ago

jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Urls for data sources:

Roads http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/1/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27RORI%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Points of Interest http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_PointsOfInterest_Service/MapServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27RORI%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Trails http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27RORI%27&outFields=*&f=geojson

Parking Areas http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/2/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27RORI%27&outFields=*&f=geojson


jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Road tag translations:

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
CreateDate removed
CreateUser removed
EditDate removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
InPark removed
IsSeasonal removed marked 'No' or null
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
OBJECTID removed
OpenForUse removed marked 'Public' or null
RoadAltNam retained alt_name
RoadClass removed after adding highway tags roads classified as "Local"=Minor Road in Places preset ("highway":"unclassified")
RoadName retained name
RoadStatus removed marked "Existing" or null
RoadSurfac retained surface
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
last_edi_q removed
last_edite removed
added "highway":"road"; "access":"private"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR Roads Service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Trail tag translations:

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AltName retained alt_name
Distribute removed all marked 'Yes'
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Hike retained foot PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
MapMethod removed
OBJECTID removed
TrailClass removed
TrailName retained name
TrailSurfa retained surface
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
VisAccess retained access:yes marked 'Open' or null
created_da removed
created_us removed
last_edi_1 removed
last_edite removed
added "highway":"path"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR Trails Service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Point of Interest tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
DISTRIBUTE removed POIs marked 'Internal Only' were deleted prior to import
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
ISEXTANT removed
ISSEASONAL removed all marked 'No' or null
OBJECTID removed
POIALTNAME retained alt_name
POINAME retained name
POITYPE see table below
RESTRICTIO removed all marked 'Unrestricted'
UNITCODE retained nps:unit_code
UNITNAME removed
VISITORACC removed all marked 'Open' or null
XYERROR removed
added "nps:source_system":"PWR Points of Interest Service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"
POITYPE value Places preset Places tag(s) comment
Historic Site Historic Site "historic":"yes"
Park Park "leisure":"park"

Parking Area tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
Distribute removed 'Public' or null
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
MapMethod removed
OBJECTID removed
ParkingNam retained name
ParkingSta removed 'Existing' or null
ParkingSur retained surface
RIP_Surfac removed
RegionCode removed
RouteID removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
added "amenity":"parking"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR EditTRANS service, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Building tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
Building_I removed
Common_Name retained name
Edit_Date removed
FMSS_ID retained nps:fmss_location_id
Geometry_ID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Is_Extant removed all marked 'Y'
IS_Sensiti removed all marked 'N'
Map_Method removed
Map_Source removed
OBJECTID removed
Polygon_Ty removed
Region_Cod removed
Source_Dat removed
Unit_Code retained nps:unit_code
added "building":"yes"
added "nps:source_system":"RISD EGIS Building Polygons, accessed 2016-08-24"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"
jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Uploaded on changeset 10527