nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
13 stars 5 forks source link

PWR Data Seed: AMME #789

Open chadlawlis opened 7 years ago

chadlawlis commented 7 years ago

We have a contact at the park, should we need to get in touch.

chadlawlis commented 7 years ago

Feature types by count:

Feature type Count Query
POI 0 link
Roads 1 link
Trails 9 link
Parking 13 link
Buildings 20 link
chadlawlis commented 7 years ago

In reviewing PWR's "Status of PWR GIS Layers for Places" doc it appears POIs have already been loaded to Places, though it is unclear where from given AMME has no POIs on the PWR server.

chadlawlis commented 7 years ago


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_PointsOfInterest_Service/MapServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27AMME%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.



Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/1/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27AMME%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values:

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode AMME nps:unit_code = amme
RoadName (free form text) name = (free form text)
RoadClass Service highway = service
RoadSurface Gravel surface = gravel
RoadStatus Temporarily Closed access = no
Maintainer National Park Service operator = National Park Serice
RoadLanes 1 lanes = 1

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27AMME%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode AMME nps:unit_code = amme
TrailName (free form text) name = (free form text)
TrailClass Class 1 tracktype = grade 5
TrailClass Class 5 tracktype = grade 1
TrailSurface Concrete surface = concrete
TrailSurface Native Material surface = ground
Width (integer) width = (integer)
Hike 1 foot = yes
PackOrSaddle 2 horse = no
Bike 1 bicycle = yes
TrailStatus Temporarily Closed access = no
Notes (free form text) note = (free form text)

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/2/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27AMME%27&outFields=*&f=geojson/.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode AMME nps:unit_code = amme
ParkingName (free form text) name = (free form text)
ParkingSurface Asphalt surface = asphalt
ParkingSurface Concrete surface = concrete

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}



Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
Unit_Code AMME nps:unit_code = amme
Common_Name (free form text) name = (free form text)
FMSS_ID (integer) nps:fmss_id = (integer)

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
NPSBuildingsMapPWR GlobalID {globalid_value}