nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
13 stars 5 forks source link

PWR Data Seed: PINN #790

Closed chadlawlis closed 7 years ago

chadlawlis commented 7 years ago

Feature types by count:

Feature type Count Query
POI 0 link
Roads 13 link
Trails 28 link
Parking 17 link
Buildings 81 link
chadlawlis commented 7 years ago


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_PointsOfInterest_Service/MapServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27PINN%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.



Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/1/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27PINN%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode PINN nps:unit_code = pinn
RoadName (free form text) name = (free form text)
RoadClass Local highway = residential
RoadClass Primary highway = primary
RoadClass Private highway = road, access = private
RoadClass Service highway = service
RoadSurface Asphalt surface = asphalt
RoadLanes 1 lanes = 1

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27PINN%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode PINN nps:unit_code = pinn
TrailName (free form text) name = (free form text)
TrailClass Class 2 tracktype = grade 4
TrailClass Class 3 tracktype = grade 3
TrailClass Class 4 tracktype = grade 2
TrailClass Class 5 tracktype = grade 1
TrailSurface Concrete surface = concrete
TrailSurface Native Material surface = ground
Hike 1 foot = yes
PackOrSaddle 2 horse = no
Bike 2 bicycle = no

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/2/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27PINN%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode PINN nps:unit_code = pinn
ParkingName (free form text) name = (free form text)
ParkingSurface Asphalt surface = asphalt

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}



Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
Unit_Code PINN nps:unit_code = pinn
Common_Name (free form text) name = (free form text)
FMSS_ID (integer) nps:fmss_id = (integer)

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
NPSBuildingsMapPWR GlobalID {globalid_value}
jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Trails tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
ADA retained wheelchair PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
ATV retained atv PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
Bike retained bicycle PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
Comments retained nps:notes
CreateDate removed
Distribute removed trails marked "Distribute:No" were not imported
EditDate removed
FeatType removed
FeatureID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Hike retained foot PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
LoadDate removed
Motorcycle retained motorcycle PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
NonMotoriz removed all marked 1 (yes), consistent with highway:path
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
PackOrSaddle retained horse PWR coded domains: 1=yes, 2=no (0=unknown, not used)
RegionCode removed
TrailClass retained see comment above
TrailName retained name
TrailStatus removed all listed as 'Existing'
TrailSurface retained surface
TrailType removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code 'SEQU' and 'KICA' replaced with 'seki'
UnitName removed
VisAccess removed
XYError removed
created_date removed
created_user removed
last_edited_date removed
added "highway":"path"
added "nps:source_system":"PWR EditTRANS Service, accessed 2016-08-30"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"

Roads tag translations

GIS attribute action Places tag(s) comment
AssetID removed
FeatureID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
InPark removed
MapMethod removed
MapSource removed
OBJECTID removed
OpenForUse removed
ParkRoadClass removed duplicate of RoadClass, uses coded domains
RegionCode removed
RoadClass removed after populating highway tags, see table below
RoadLabel name
RoadLanes retained lanes
RoadName removed duplicate of RoadLabel
RoadStatus removed
RoadSurface retained surface
RouteID retained
RouteNumber retained ref
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
UnitName removed
added "nps:source_system":"PWR_Roads_Service, accessed 2016-06-02"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"
RoadClass value Places preset Places tag(s) comment
Local Minor Road {"highway":"unclassified"}
Primary Primary Road {"highway":"primary"}
Private Private Road {"highway":"road","access":"private"}
Service Access Road {"highway":"service"}

Parking Areas tag translations

GIS Attribute action Places tag comment
AssetID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
MapSource removed all marked "RIP Cycle5"
Notes retained nps:notes
OBJECTID removed
ParkingName retained name
ParkingSurface retained surface
RegionCode removed
RIP_Surface removed
RouteID retained ref
RouteNumber removed
UnitCode retained nps:unit_code
UnitName removed
added "nps:source_system":"PWR_VehicularParking_Service, accessed 2016-06-03"
added "amenity":"parking"

Buildings tag translations

GIS Attribute action Places tag comment
Admin_Type removed Buildings marked "Admin_Type"="PRIVATE" given the tag "access":"private"
Building_ID removed
Common_Name retained name
Edit_Date removed
FMSS_ID retained nps:fmss_location_id
Federal_En removed
GeometryID removed
GlobalID retained nps:source_system_key_value
Is_Extant removed All were marked 'Y'
Is_Sensitive removed All were marked 'N'
LCS_ID removed
Map_Method removed
Map_Source removed
OBJECTID removed
Park_ID removed
Polygon_Notes removed
Polygon_Type removed
Region_Code removed
Source_Date removed
Unit_Code retained "nps:unit_code":"yose"
added "nps:source_system":"RISD EGIS Building Polygons, accessed 2016-04-17"
added "nps:source_system_key":"GlobalID"
added "building":"yes"
jakecoolidge commented 7 years ago

Uploaded on changeset 10531.