nationalparkservice / places-data

Data from the Places system.
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PWR Data Seed: SAFR #791

Open chadlawlis opened 8 years ago

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

Any data from PWR should be conflated with existing Places data and confirmed by park staff. Edits/additions to Places were previously made during the Park Mobile: GOGA app development.

chadlawlis commented 8 years ago

Feature types by count:

Feature type Count Query
POI 0 link
Roads 0 link
Trails 8 link
Parking 5 link
Buildings 22 link
chadlawlis commented 8 years ago


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_PointsOfInterest_Service/MapServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27SAFR%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.



Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/1/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27SAFR%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.



Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/0/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27SAFR%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode SAFR nps:unit_code = safr
TrailName (free form text) name = (free form text)
TrailClass Class 5 tracktype = grade 1
TrailSurface Concrete surface = concrete
Hike 1 foot = yes
PackOrSaddle 2 horse = no
Bike 1 bicycle = yes

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}


Source: http://inppwcagis01:6080/arcgis/rest/services/pwr/PWR_EditTRANS_Service/FeatureServer/2/query?where=UnitCode%3D%27SAFR%27&outFields=*&f=geojson.

Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
UnitCode SAFR nps:unit_code = safr
ParkingName (free form text) name = (free form text)
ParkingSurface Asphalt surface = asphalt
ParkingSurface Concrete surface = concrete

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
PWR_EditTRANS_Service GlobalID {globalid_value}



Translated keys/values (PWR value only specified if not free form):

PWR key PWR value Places tag
Unit_Code SAFR nps:unit_code = safr
Common_Name (free form text) name = (free form text)
FMSS_ID (integer) nps:fmss_id = (integer)

Primary key:

nps:source_system nps:source_system_key nps:source_system_key_value
NPSBuildingsMapPWR GlobalID {globalid_value}