nationalparkservice / places-editor

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Add more POI presets #51

Open makella opened 9 years ago

makella commented 9 years ago

Here are my thoughts on presets that should be added to Places. These are things that first come to mind. I will add more as I think of them. Feel free to comment/add others.

Natural Features:


makella commented 9 years ago

One other thing I mentioned yesterday. I think we should go ahead and add all visitor amenity types that we have symbols for which is basically everything off of the HFC symbol sheet.

nateirwin commented 9 years ago

Some others off the top of my head:

Natural features:

Cultural features:

(these probably fall under "Landmarks/Tourist Attraction", but I think we may want to have them as individual preset types???)

makella commented 9 years ago

Natural features:

jimmyrocks commented 9 years ago

These are my proposed tags :)

Name tag(s) link node line area notes
Valley natural=valley t t t
Peak natural=peak t f f
Ridge natural=ridge f t f
Basin landuse=basin f f t I'm not sure if this is the kind of basin we want
Plateau natural=landform, landform=plateau None f f t Not in OSM, may require more research
Island place=island t f t
Geyser natural=geyser t f t Not in OSM
Waterfall waterway=waterfall t t f
Prarie natural=grassland, grassland=prarie f f t uncommon in OSM
Forest landuse=forest t f t
Wetland natural=wetland t f t
Glacier natural=glacier t f t
Fortification historic=archaeological_site, site_type=fortification t f t
Monument historic=monument t t t
Dune natural=dune t f t
Beach natural=beach t f t
makella commented 9 years ago

There are more landmarks that we should get. For example, for Places Mobile, anything that is an important site in a park that is a landmark type feature, I tag as 'Tourist Attraction' then we can use that tag to style the labels more prominently.

Also, what are your proposed tags for place names?

jimmyrocks commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure the best way to do place names. There is a lot of discussion in OSM on it here.

For other attractions, I've been using tourism=attraction which is named "exhibit" in the places editor

jakecoolidge commented 9 years ago

This is adapted from a list I started compiling a little while ago. I filtered out the features you guys mentioned above. Anyway, something to think about. Some HFC-inspired places: -fire tower -spring -lock -battle -cannon -ruin -cemetery -lighthouse -buoy -day marker -coral reef -wreck Other: -tree symbol -flower symbol -law enforcement station -scenic viewpoint (camera icon?) -museum

jimmyrocks commented 9 years ago

Can we combine this with the other proposed tag lists in places-data?

jakecoolidge commented 9 years ago

Are you referring to this one?

jimmyrocks commented 9 years ago


chadlawlis commented 9 years ago


Good for @asouthwould's awareness too, as she looks to sort through the master list of POIs

asouthwould commented 9 years ago

Just to confirm, the following POIs suggested above are currently included in our preset list:

I am reviewing the IMR suggestions from issue #50 in places-data and will include the following remaining unaddressed suggestions from this issue:

I'm not sure exactly what a "Day Marker" is. Is that a sign that can be captured in one of the suggestions listed above? There is also a suggestion for "Interpretive Sign" in the other list.

ethomas33 commented 9 years ago

While inputting POI's for Gateway NRA we were attempting to enter Kayak Launches and our only option is Canoe Launch. We have a distinction here because of the primary user, a kayak program we have in place at the park, uses only kayaks. @jimmyrocks suggested possibly turning this into a general "non-motorized boat launch". I am not sure how we handle this.