natir / br

Brutal Rewrite a long read corrector
MIT License
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methods are applied in the order you specify? #2

Closed jelber2 closed 2 years ago

jelber2 commented 2 years ago

Very interesting tool!

Can you clarify how -m "methods are applied in the order you specify" works? So -m one is different than -m one -m two? for commit a7b62da

natir commented 2 years ago


Thank for your interest, br implement many correction method and -m option allow user to choose which method are apply. -m one apply only one algorithm, -m one -m two apply algorithm one and two. Sorry we didn't finish publication and correction algorithm isn't well describe.

I hope I help and if you have any question please ask.

jelber2 commented 2 years ago

That is great, thanks!