Closed desmodus1984 closed 2 months ago
Yacrd is a tool design to detect chimeric read with self mapping not by map against reference genome.
But for publication I write a script that detect chimeric read map on reference read, you could find this script her.
To use it:
minimap2 {add option match your sequencing technology} {input.ref} {input.reads} > {output.paf}
./ {output.paf}
script just return the number of chimeric read found compare to reference genome but you can change it easily.
I want to be clear it's not yacrd purpose I just write and use found_chimera
script to validate yacrd result, by compare read sequence with I quality genome.
Thanks for the info, I will do the self mapping instead. That actually will be more meaningful and useful that doing the reference based. Could you please tell how to retrieve the non-chimeric reads and the splitted chimeric reads?
Thank you very much;
Sorry for the silly question. I tried sequencing a sample, but since I didn't have enough DNA I used whole-genome amplification to get more DNA. I didn't know at the time, which I regret now, that WGA produces chimeric reads. A group sequenced the same species, but didn't publish the genome, which I found out after me trying to assemble my sample.
Thus, I am interested in the possibility of using that genome assembly - which is very fragmented, to try to find chimeric reads, and then perhaps improve my assembly. I read throught the website and I couldn't find the code to get the non-chimeric reads, or if possible, perhaps to get the non-chimeric and the splitted chimeric reads.
Thank you very much;