nativeformat / NFPlayerJS

A JavaScript/TypeScript audio engine for the Web and Server capable of multitrack time stretching, pitch shifting, declarative effects, faster than realtime processing, and more!
Apache License 2.0
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Trouble using library when installing from NPM #15

Closed hydrosquall closed 5 years ago

hydrosquall commented 5 years ago

Based on the error message provided by Codesandbox, I suspect that maybe the ./dist folder is missing from NPM package that results when we run npm publish

npm install nf-player

I tried this in 3 places (codesandbox, stackblitz, and on my local environment), in all cases I was unable to build any of the pages that imported nf-player.

The most informative error message is from Codesandbox, as it seems to indicate that the package.json is expecting to find something under the dist/ folder, which isn't available from NPM.

Could not fetch dependencies, please try again in a couple seconds: Something went wrong while packaging the dependency nf-player@0.6.3: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/tmp/3822393094/node_modules/nf-player/dist
kirbysayshi commented 5 years ago

Hey, sorry about that. It should all be fixed now. v0.6.5