nativescript-community / ui-image

Advanced and efficient image display plugin which uses Fresco (Android) and SDWebImage (iOS) to implement caching, placeholders, image effects, and much more.
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 9 forks source link

iOS build failed #50

Closed RGBvision closed 1 year ago

RGBvision commented 1 year ago

I've tried to build iOS app for device

ns build ios --provision XXX --for-device

And build failed with errors:

.../platforms/ios/Pods/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/Core/SDImageCoderHelper.m:31:40: error: no visible @interface for 'UIImage' declares the selector 'imageByPreparingForDisplay'
        UIImage *decodedImage = [image imageByPreparingForDisplay];
                                 ~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.../platforms/ios/Pods/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/Core/SDImageCoderHelper.m:48:40: error: no visible @interface for 'UIImage' declares the selector 'imageByPreparingThumbnailOfSize:'
        UIImage *decodedImage = [image imageByPreparingThumbnailOfSize:thumbnailSize];
                                 ~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2 errors generated.

PODs installed during build:

Installing AFNetworking (4.0.1)
Installing CHIPageControl (
Installing Firebase (9.3.0)
Installing FirebaseCore (9.3.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (9.3.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreInternal (9.3.0)
Installing FirebaseInstallations (9.3.0)
Installing FirebaseMessaging (9.3.0)
Installing GoogleDataTransport (9.1.4)
Installing GoogleUtilities (7.7.0)
Installing MNFloatingActionButton (2.0.0)
Installing Mapbox-iOS-SDK (5.1.2)
Installing PromisesObjC (2.1.1)
Installing QBImagePickerController (3.4.0)
Installing SDWebImage (5.13.1)
Installing SDWebImagePhotosPlugin (1.2.0)
Installing TOCropViewController (2.5.0)
Installing Toast-Swift (5.0.1)
Installing nanopb (2.30909.0)

Which platform(s) does your issue occur on?

Please, provide the following version numbers that your issue occurs with:


platform :ios, '13.0'

post_install do |pi|
    pi.pods_project.targets.each do |t|
        t.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0'

Any ideas how to fix this?

farfromrefug commented 1 year ago

it seems you need to upgrade xcode or lower sdwebimage version

RGBvision commented 1 year ago

My bad. XCode already updated. But I forgot to select Command Line Tools.