nativeshell / examples

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Cannot run examples following instructions in readme #2

Closed yorodm closed 3 years ago

yorodm commented 3 years ago

The examples project fails to build:

Relevant output from cargo run:

External Tool Failed!
  Status: ExitStatus(ExitStatus(16896))
  Command: "\"flutter\" \"pub\" \"get\""
  Because nativeshell_examples depends on nativeshell from path 
   which doesn't exist (could not find package nativeshell at "../nativeshell/nativeshell_dart"),
   version solving failed.
   pub get failed (66; Because nativeshell_examples depends on nativeshell from path which
   doesn't exist (could not find package nativeshell at "../nativeshell/nativeshell_dart"), version solving failed.)

  Running "flutter pub get" in examples...


  1. Flutter 2.3.0-17.0.pre.228 • channel master
  2. rustc 1.52.1 (9bc8c42bb 2021-05-09) (stable)
  3. Runnin in Manjaro Linux
knopp commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that, can you update the repository and try again? Looks like I accidentally commited relative path instead of package version.

knopp commented 3 years ago

Were you able to run the examples? Can this issue be closed?

yorodm commented 3 years ago

Yes, everything runs fine! Thanks!!