Businesses marked as deleted in the backend, and can be cleaned up by a cron job after some number of days in the future.
I've opted to use the default javascript / in-browser modal, as it works on every browser, is design agnostic, is super simple, and adds no tech debt trying to add some silly vue package that has shiny models. Maybe some day in the future, but I'm satisfied with this for now.
Users are redirected to their business lists after deletion.
Bug Fixes
I've fixed a bug where users could not update businesses when they are featured since users cannot reassign the featured tag (only admins can). This is because of Hasura's lack of list-relation updates (you have to delete and reinsert all relations in one transaction), but should be simplified some day in the future. This fix works for now!
Fixed console errors thrown when a query is attempted before the component has user info from the JWT using the skip parameter.
You can now delete businesses!
in the backend, and can be cleaned up by a cron job after some number of days in the future.Bug Fixes
tag (only admins can). This is because of Hasura's lack of list-relation updates (you have to delete and reinsert all relations in one transaction), but should be simplified some day in the future. This fix works for now!skip