natlamir / PiperUI

A UI for the Piper TTS
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Feature Request for Speech Speed #3

Open UncleBob2 opened 7 months ago

UncleBob2 commented 7 months ago

Is it possible that you can add a slider to control the speech speed per the example below?

natlamir commented 7 months ago

Interesting, it looks like that is using the onnxruntime to run inference on the model directly. I will do some research on how to use it from the documentation from the onnxruntime site, thanks.

Sobsz commented 7 months ago

You can do it with piper.exe too, using the --length_scale parameter. For example, setting it to 2 makes everything take twice as long. (You might want to run piper.exe --help to see the full list of parameters.)

natlamir commented 7 months ago

You can do it with piper.exe too, using the --length_scale parameter. For example, setting it to 2 makes everything take twice as long. (You might want to run piper.exe --help to see the full list of parameters.)

I will check that out and add it to the UI. Thanks!