natlamir / PiperUI

A UI for the Piper TTS
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Suggestion: Increase Text length when copy pasting, and audio playback? #6

Open FemBoxbrawl opened 7 months ago

FemBoxbrawl commented 7 months ago

Hey just asking if you could add a "play button" when generating audio, but also increase the length of the text to speech? either way, I am glad you made this, because with coding it would have been hell

Fouladi-K commented 4 months ago

same problem here. can not copy paste multiple paragraphs.

Fouladi-K commented 4 months ago

I found that for long text in the Windows PowerShell we can use: Get-Content text.txt | .\piper.exe -m models\en_US-ryan-high.onnx -f output\output.wav you must download model first and place text.txt in folder.

only use Windows PowerShell not cmd.