natlamir / PiperUI

A UI for the Piper TTS
42 stars 7 forks source link

add sliders for pauses inbetween words, etc. + could you figure out a way to create an extension for Silly Tavern? #9

Open FemBoxbrawl opened 6 months ago

FemBoxbrawl commented 6 months ago

I found an extension to ooba booga's text generation webui for piper. it let's you adjust the sliders to make the text a bit different. here is a screenshot. Screenshot 2024-01-07 210844

Silly tavern requires you to create a local server (like a batchfile, and also, you can choose a voice per bot,working in group chats, but thats something else again.

Carbon2029 commented 2 months ago

I would like if this also had the same

Carbon2029 commented 2 months ago

I thin changing line 218 will do the job of dashboard page