natrys / whisper.el

Speech-to-Text interface for Emacs using OpenAI's whisper model and whisper.cpp as inference engine.
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MacOS Ventura 13.6 needs explicit permission to access Mic #12

Closed doctorguile closed 10 months ago

doctorguile commented 10 months ago

I'm using Ventura 13.6 and the dictation function failed silently, it turns out that ffmpeg is getting killed with "abort trap: 6" because MacOS won't allow access to the mic unless the app requested it and user grant it explicitly.

And since emacs doens't do that by default we need to do something like this

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/

insert into access values  ('kTCCServiceMicrophone','org.gnu.Emacs', 0, 2, 2, 1, null, null, null, 'UNUSED', null, 0, 1698279008);

select * from access where service = 'kTCCServiceMicrophone' ;


BTW @rksm also provided his config which greatly helps with figuring out what value to set for whisper--ffmpeg-input-device

I thought it might help if this gets mentioned in this repo somewhere or the readme for MacOS users

BTW it works flawlessly on Linux with zero config!


natrys commented 10 months ago

Thanks for this detailed guide. I have only ever tested this on Linux, so feedback like this is invaluable. I have summarised this issue in a wiki page and added links to sections in the readme:

But if you think something else could be added or fleshed out, feel free to edit the wiki :+1: